Accolade Parameters

License Keys

Use the license key parameters to enter the keys for optional add-on Accolade features. Sopheon provides these license keys to you or enters them for you in the Administration Console:

  • Collaborative Workflow License Key
  • Data Analytics License Key
  • Extended Project Edit Rights License Key
  • Idea Submission License Key
  • Innovation Planning License Key
  • MS Project Integration Key
  • Portfolio Center License Key
  • Resource Planning License Key
  • Time Tracking License Key


Mail and Notifications

The following parameters apply to the internal emailing capability within Accolade, including sending notifications about system events by email:

Display Name Description Default Value
Enable Notifications* Enables or disables notifications through email for events such as deliverables not being ready for an upcoming date. 1
Enable Simple Email Support Enables or disables Simple Email through Accolade. 0
Email Separator The separator character to use for emails addressed to multiple recipients. ;
Send Empty Schedule Email Notification Whether or not to send a scheduled email, even if no events have occurred. 0
Send Emails for Late Assignments in Stages Set to Conditional Go Enables or disables sending emails for assignments that are late in stages that have a corresponding gate decision set to Conditional Go. Conditional Go is available as a gate decision if the Disable Conditional Go Gate Decision parameter is set to 0. 0
Advanced Parameters
Email Address to Send License Information The email address to which to send license information. Typically an internal support address. N/A
Last Status Report Send Date The day of the month that notification status reports were last processed. N/A
Notification Delivery Return Address* The email address used to send notification emails from Accolade. N/A
SMTP Connection String (Read Only) The SMTP connection string for sending email notifications. N/A

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.


The following parameter applies to reports generated from Accolade and Accolade Office Extensions:

Display Name Description Default Value
Report Privacy Warning Text* The text included at the top of each report to indicate privacy of the report content (500 characters). Enter the warning text in the language you would like it to display. Blank
Advanced Parameters
Enable System Consent Prompt Whether or not to show the User Consent prompt if users have not previously consented. Blank

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.


The following parameters apply to flow of projects from creation through their model structure:

Display Name Description Default Value
Allow Document Owners to Set Deadline Enables or disables document owner's ability to set the deadline date for documents they own. When disabled, Project Managers or Process Managers can set the deadline date for documents within projects. 0
Allow Document Owners to Set Function Enables or disables document owner's ability to set the function for document they own. When disabled, Project Managers or Process Managers must set the function for documents. 0
Allow Document Owners to Set Start Date Enables or disables document owner's ability to set the start date for documents they own. When disabled, Project Managers or Process can set the start date for documents within projects. 0
Allow Project Owner to Set Gate Dates Enables or disables project owner's ability to update a gate date from the progress graphic on a current or future gate that has the status of Pending Decision. 0
Allow Team Members to Share Assignments Enables or disables team member's ability to assign themselves as a document owner within a project. 1
Auto-Generate Project IDs* Enables or disables automatic system generated project IDs. If set to 0, project creators enter their own project ID when creating a project. 0
Automatically Publish Submitted Ideas* Enables or disables the automatic publication of documents attached to submitted ideas. 0
Default New Versions to Published* Enables or disables the automatic publication of new versions of an existing document.

Important! Process Designers can set publish options for individual deliverables and activities in process models that override this system parameter. Project deliverables and activities with different publish settings than the system parameter, respect the setting in the process model. Activities added to deliverables in projects, however, respect the system parameter.

Disable Conditional Go Gate Decision Enables or disables the ability to set a gate decision to Conditional Go. When a decision is set to Conditional Go, one or more condition must be met before the next gate meeting decision. When disabled, Go is the only gate decision that provides approval to proceed to the next project stage. 0
Disable Link to File Enables or disables the ability to link a document's source to an external document stored outside of Accolade. 0
Disable Link to Website Enables or disables the ability to link a document's source to a website. 0
Enforce Project Security for Add Team Member Determines if the User Select dialog box on a project only includes users who have security access to the project through access group, security list, and security profile settings. This setting applies to adding team members and project managers to a project or planning element. The default setting of 0 allows the addition of users to a project by exception, outside their security access.

Important! If you enable this parameter, existing projects that contain users assigned outside their security access are not automatically updated. Correct any projects with security concerns manually.

Hide unassigned functions on the Team Tab Shows or hides functions that are currently unassigned. 0
Number of Days for Gate Meeting Warning* The number of days prior to a gate meeting to consider assignments incomplete. 7
Restrict Discussions Tab to Project Team When enabled, restricts the project discussions feature to only the Project Manager and project team members. 0
Show Conditional Go Assignments as Current Determines if gates set to Conditional Go are shown as current gate in the Word pod. 1
Show Week Number in Calendar Controls* When enabled, the calendar selection control includes the week number as the first column, and the week starts on Monday instead of Sunday.

Note:  When changing the parameter value, clear distributed cache if you have distributed cache configured on your system and then reset IIS to prompt the system to inherit the parameter change.

Advanced Parameters
Allow Last Status Report to be Deleted Enables or disables a user's ability to delete the last status report they submitted. 0
Default Deliverable/Activity Details Dialog Main Content (Read Only) The default display content when opening the Deliverable/Activity Details dialog box. The default setting displays quick grids if they are available, or versions if the deliverable or activity has no quick grid assigned. See Defining Deliverable and Activity Details Display Options. 0
Disable Workflow Decline Decision Enables or disables the ability to decline a decision within a workflow. When set to 1, the Decline request to review deliverable option is not available for workflow action owners entering decisions for their workflow actions. 0
Display Extended Fields on User Selector Default Enables or disables the display of extended fields on the User Selector dialog. When set to 1, the extended fields will be displayed. 1
Enable Quick Grids Protected Mode Enables or disables grids that are set to be protected (view only). 0

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.

Product Enhancement

The following parameters apply to the product enhancement system:

Display Name Description Default Value
Enable Product Enhancement System Icon Hides or shows Product Enhancement System Icon. When set to 1, it is enabled. When set to 0, it is disabled. 1
Product Enhancement System Visibility Shows Product Enhancement System Icon for specific roles. Enter the role codes. A blank default value will include all roles. Blank

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.

Organization Information

The following parameters apply to organizational information:

Display Name Description Default Value
Advanced Parameters
Organization Name When configuring Accolade or upgrading to version 14.2 or higher, this field must be populated with the name of your organization.

Important! Once a name is entered and saved, the information becomes read-only and cannot be changed.

Integration ID Customer integration ID for Accolade to connect to Acclaim Projects. This must only be populated if your organization has purchased integration with Acclaim Projects. Blank
Acclaim Projects URL Fully qualified URL to the Acclaim Projects website. This must only be populated if your organization has purchased integration with Acclaim Projects. Blank

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.


The following parameters apply to security settings:

Display Name Description Default Value
Advanced Parameters
Encrypt Distributed Cache Entries If set to 1, values stored in the Distributed Cache will be encrypted. When changing the value, restart IIS on all application servers in the load balanced configuration then clear the cache on the Distributed Cache page of the Administration console.

Important! Enabling this parameter impacts application performance.

Login Metric The system name of the metric used for the location login selection list, if you are prompting users for a location when they log in. This metric is a list or multi-select list metric. The configuration of the metric entered here becomes read-only; therefore, Sopheon recommends using a metric whose list values are defined in a reference table, so you can update the metric's values as needed. See Restricting Information Access Based on Login Location. Blank
Restrict Administrators From Updating Their Account If set to 1, Administrators cannot update their account through the User Administration page or by importing users when setting up Accolade user accounts. 0
Task Service Password (Read Only) Encrypted password used when the task service makes a web service call. The credentials are used for authenticating users. Blank
Task Service User (Read Only) Username used when the task service makes a web service call. The credentials are used for authenticating users. Blank


The following parameters apply to system-level settings, such as database and network, and are typically set once at installation:

Display Name Description Default Value
Active Directory Enabled User extended fields sync with Active Directory. 0
Enable Plug-ins Whether users can load browser plug-ins. 0
Enable User Profile Images* Enables the ability to add an image to a user account or user profile that displays with a user's name in various locations in Accolade. 1
Maximum Number of Recent Items The maximum number of entries that display in the Recent Items list displayable from the Accolade title bar. 50
Maximum Searchable Extended Fields The maximum number of extended fields can be set for user searches. 5
Metrics Recalculation Chunk Size (Integer) The number of distinct projects to include when completing metric recalculations.

Contact Sopheon Customer Support before changing this setting.

Number of Days to Retain Error Logs The number of days to save logs that contain system error information. 365
Number of Days to Retain User Access Logs The number of days to save logs that contain user access information. 390
Project Thumbnail Image Height The height of the project thumbnail image, in pixels. 80
Project Thumbnail Image Width The width of the project thumbnail image, in pixels. 80
Replace Empty Values Whether or not null values in Accolade reporting results are returned with values indicating blank or empty results such as [empty]. If this parameter is set to 0, number, date, and string metrics that contain no value display as blank in reporting results. 1
Reporting Office Extensions Record Limit The maximum number of rows returned in a report created using Accolade Office Extensions Query. Must be set to a whole, positive number. 50,000
Advanced Parameters
Accolade Footer Text The text displayed in the Accolade page footers. This may be corporate or legal directives, or any text all employees in your company need to see. Blank
Accolade Header Text The text displayed above the Accolade main menu bar. This may be corporate or legal directives, or any text all employees in your company need to see. Blank
Accolade Process Manager Version (Read Only) The current version and build number for Accolade Process Manager. x.x.x
Accolade Process Manager Website URL The website address for Accolade Process Manager. Blank
Allow Default Landing Page Allows personalized landing pages to be selected by users. 1
Allow Restricted Project Names to be Visible Indicates whether project names for projects selected to be hidden, display in Resource Editor and on timesheets for all users regardless of if they are on the project team or have rights to view the project. 0
Anonymous Idea Submission URL The website address for Idea Submission.  
Application Insights Key Defines the resource used to aggregate telemetry data. Blank
Cancel Snapshot in Process (Read Only) Indicates 1 if a snapshot is in the process of being canceled. Use for troubleshooting purposes. 0
Currency Symbol Corporate currency symbol displayed in AOR charts and reports.

Important! If users upload files into Accolade that contain different currency symbols not listed here, the value in this parameter will be used instead.

Customization Installed (Read Only) Indicates if your instance of Accolade is a customized version. Standard versions display 0. 0
Database Filestore Buffer Size The database filestore buffer size, in bytes. 1024000
Default Domain for Users The default domain for login when one is not provided. Blank
Default Search Language ID The Local ID (LCID) the Accolade search uses. 1033
Enable Autofit Cells on Smart Excel Download Enables or disables Smart Excel metric/metadata fields to be autofit when downloading Smart Excel document 1
Enable Autoloader Service (Read Only) Indicates whether the automatic upload service is enabled. 0
Enable Client Macro Events for MS Office Add-In Enables or disables the support of client-side macros for the Accolade Office Extensions add-in. For example, events that happen before or after saving a document. 0
Enable Customization Extensions Enables or disables the support for customizations that use the Extension Object. 1
Enable LDAP Authentication Enables or disables LDAP for user login authentication. 0
Enable MS Docs Date Time Stamp Enables or disables using a date/time stamp to distinguish versions of MS Office documents that are opened more than once. 0
Enable Smart PowerPoint Documents Enables the "smart" functionality in MS PowerPoint documents downloaded from and uploaded to Accolade. If set to 0, users can download and upload MS PowerPoint files; however, if the file contains Accolade data, such as field codes, those values do not update. 1
Enable Stakeholders

Whether or not to enable information to be shared with outside stakeholders.

Enable Windows Authentication Enables or disables Windows for user login authentication. 1
Enforce List Value Validation Indicates if list and multilist values should be validated before saving. 0
Event Log Types to Display on Error The types of Windows event log entries to display when an error is triggered. Application
Fiscal Year Start Month The number correlating to the first month of your company's fiscal year. 1 = January, 12 = December. A value of 1 defaults time intervals to calendar year by beginning with January.

Note:  This setting does not affect metric or date calculations. It only determines the time intervals in Gantt views, allowing users to align timelines according to fiscal year or calendar year.

Hidden Reference Table Category Name The name of the category that contains hidden reference tables.  
Idea Management Transfer Directory Location (Read Only) The path to the directory where idea submission document transfers occur.  
LDAP Configuration Profile List List of configuration profiles to use when authenticating with LDAP. The list is semicolon delimited. Blank
Max Levels in Portfolio Center The maximum levels of project relationships to show in Dashboards for Accolade. 3
Max Process MultiThreading The maximum number of threads the Accolade Timed Task Server uses per application server. For example, in an implementation with three application servers, if set to 4, up to four threads are created for each application server, for a total of 12. Set to 0 to automatically set the threads based on the number of cores in the application server.

The optimum setting for your Accolade implementation is dependent on your data and your application server/database server configuration. In a load balanced configuration, all servers must be included in the value. Changing this setting can affect other applications running on the database server if the server is a shared resource.

If this value is changed after the initial configuration, all application servers will need their IIS reset, as well as the Accolade Timed Task Service restarted to update the new setting.

Contact Sopheon Customer Support before changing this setting.

Maximum File Upload Size The maximum uploaded file size allowed (in bytes). When uploading multiple files, this limit is imposed on each file in the group upload, not the upload as whole. 209715200
Maximum Filter Metrics Allowed The maximum number of metrics allowed to be designated as filter metrics. 3
Number of Event Logs to Display on Error The number of Windows Event Log entries to display when an error is triggered. 20
Password Change URL The URL to a custom web page where users are able to change their local Accolade password. Leave the parameter blank to prevent users from changing their password. Blank
Pre-Check Office File Readability Enables or disables the check for the readability of MS Office files before adding them to the system. 0
Project Recalculation Notification Chunk Size Sets the amount of projects to notify users of processing pending metric calculations from the Task Service. This setting is in bytes, and determines when a project indicates that calculations are processing, and when the Recalculate All button within metric configuration indicates that metric calculations are still processing.

Contact Sopheon Customer Support before changing this setting.

Related Document Import Load Schedule (Read Only) The scheduled time for importing related documents using the automatic upload service. Blank
Rich Text Size Warning Metric Size to warn the user when they are getting close to the maximum allowed metric size (in MB).

Important! The value cannot exceed 2 GB as metrics with Rich Text enabled cannot contain more than 2 GB of data.

SignalR Transport The SignalR transport mechanism. Separate entries using a pipe ( | ) delimiter. Options include: webSockets, foreverFrame, serverSentEvents, and longPolling. Note that the capitalization must match exactly to set the parameter. This parameter is only used in cross domain environments.

Contact Sopheon Customer Support before changing this setting.

System Delimiter for Lists The character used to separate items in a list metric when stored as a string. | (pipe)
Transfer Directory Location (Read Only) The path to the directory in the file system where document transfers occur.  
User Session Data Latency The amount of time to wait after the Web session has timed out to delete the user session data. 5

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.

Online Forms

The following parameters apply to forms that users fill out online, without having to download a file and upload it with updates:

Display Name Description Default Value
Default Online Form Fields to Dirty Whether or not to treat fields in online forms as always modified. 1
Disable Sharing of Online Forms* Enables or displays shared authoring of online deliverables and activities. 0
Update Online Form Metric Data on Save Enables or displays the automatic updating of metrics in online forms when saving unpublished versions. 0

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.

Accolade Portfolio Optimizer

The following parameters apply to the Portfolio Optimizer optional component:

Display Name Description Default Value
Portfolio Optimizer Load Requested Demands Enables or displays requested demands from displaying in Portfolio Optimizer, along with assigned demands. 0
Portfolio Optimizer Waterline Threshold Percent* The percentage at which to show a warning as resource demand approaches capacity. 90
Prefix for Generic Placeholder Resources* The prefix that begins the name of every generic resource to prevent overbooked icons from displaying in Portfolio Optimizer. Any
Warn User When Uploading Data Older than (Days)* The number of days since data was downloaded to trigger a warning to Portfolio Optimizer users uploading changes from Portfolio Optimizer. 30
Advanced Parameters
Portfolio Optimizer Data Contract Version (Read Only) Data contract version for Portfolio Optimizer communication. x.x
Portfolio Optimizer Minimum Client Version (Read Only) Minimum Portfolio Optimizer client version compatible with the server. x.x

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.

Resource Planning

The following parameters apply to the Resource Planning optional component for Accolade Portfolio Center.

Display Name Description Default Value
Allow Multiple Links for an Assigned Pool Enables or disables whether a single assigned-only pool has links to multiple requested-only pools. 0
Disable Editing on Project Resources Tab Enables or disables whether the Resources page within a project is read-only. 0
Enable Extended Demand Constraints Enables or disables Resource Editor filters that match projects to pools when adding demands. 0
Maximum Resource Demand History The maximum number of demands that can be shown in resource demand history. 0
Maximum Time Periods to Download The maximum number of time periods that can be downloaded into a Resource Planning Smart Excel document. 200
Minimum Time Periods to Download The minimum number of time periods that can be downloaded into a Resource Planning Smart Excel document. 12
Resource Planning Total Divisor (Read Only) The number by which capacity and demand totals should be divided to show average monthly capacity or demand over the entire planning period. 1
Advanced Parameters
Number of Buffered Time Periods Back from the Current Period The number of time periods before the current period that have data loaded into resource planning pages like Resource Editor when the page loads.

Important! Set the value equal to or less than the Periods Back value on the Admin Console when configuring Resource Planning time periods. See the Accolade Installation Guide for more information on setting Resource Planning time periods.

Number of Buffered Time Periods Forward from the Current Period The number of time periods after the current period that will have data loaded into resource planning pages like Resource Editor when the page loads. 60
Resource Planning Time Interval Type (Read Only) Time interval in each resource planning cell (0 = weeks, 1 = months, 2 = quarters, 3 = years). 1


The following parameters apply to the MS Teams Integration optional component:

Display Name Description Default Value
MS Teams Application (client) ID The Application (client) ID of the application registered in Microsoft Azure Active Directory. Blank
MS Teams Directory (tenant) ID The Directory (tenant) ID of the application registered in Microsoft Azure Active Directory. organizations
MS Teams Prompt Type Specifies how the user should be prompted to authenticate. select_account
MS Teams Domain Hint The hint used to accelerate the user to a sign-in page. Blank
MS Teams URI Scheme

The default URI Scheme to use for the MS Teams integration.

0 = use the launcher, 1 = msteams scheme, 2 = https scheme.


MS Project Integration

The following parameters apply to the MS Project Integration optional component:

Display Name Description Default Value
MS Project Field for Misc Data The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store miscellaneous data. Text26
MS Project Field for Status The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store status data. Text28
MS Project Filed for Status Notes The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store status notes data. Text27
MS Project Field for Task ID The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store task ID data. Text30
MS Project Field for Task Owner The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store task owner data. Text29
MS Project Field for User ID The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store user ID data. Text24
MS Project Field for User Login The name of the custom field in MS Project used to store user login data. Text25


The following parameters apply to the currency in which you do business:

Display Name Description Default Value
Advanced Parameters
Corporate Currency (Read Only) Currently selected corporate currency code. Projects can run in a difference currency. N/A
Corporate Currency Previously Set (Read Only) Indicates if the corporate currency has been changed. 0


The following parameters apply the number of seconds the application waits before timing out in various scenarios. These settings are typically only changed for troubleshooting purposes or to accommodate certain hardware implementation:

Display Name Description Default Value
Calculated Metric Process Timeout (minutes) The number of minutes before a running calculation process times out. 60
Web Session Timeout (minutes)* The number of minutes of inactivity allowed before a user's Accolade session times out and requires the user to re-enter their user name and password. 60
Advanced Parameters
Database Default Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before an ordinary database command times out. 30
Database Filestore Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before a database filestore command times out. 120
Database Import Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before a data import times out. 1200
Database Import Transaction Timeout (hh:mm:ss) The amount of time before a data import database transaction times out. 0:20:00
Database Portfolio Optimizer Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before a Portfolio Optimizer database command times out. 300
Database Reference Tables Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before a reference table database command times out. 600
Database Reference Tables Transaction Timeout (hh:mm:ss) The number of seconds before a reference table transaction command times out. 0:20:00
Database Transaction Timeout (hh:mm:ss) The amount of time before a database transaction times out. 0:05:00
Distributed Cache Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before a distributed cache command times out. If you change this setting reset IIS and restart the Accolade Windows Services, except for the cache service. 30
Document Refresh Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before the refresh of a document containing field codes times out. 1200
Report Cache Sliding Expiration Timeout (hh:mm:ss) The amount of time a report will remain in cache after the last time it is accessed. 0:00:10
Reporting Office Extensions Database Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before the SQL database for reporting in Accolade Office Extensions queries time out. 30
Reporting Office Extensions Timeout (minutes) The number of minutes before reporting in Accolade Office Extensions queries time out. 10
Save to Accolade Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before the document being saved via the Accolade Office Extensions times out. 1200
Web API Client Credential Session Timeout (minutes) The number of minutes before a web API client's session will time out due to inactivity. 60
Database Data Api Command Timeout (seconds) The number of seconds before a data API command times out. 900

* This parameter can also be set within Accolade in Process > Configuration > Parameters.


The following parameters apply to the Accolade Go optional component:

Display Name Description Default Value
Cache Mobile Password Enables or disables the storage of users' passwords on a mobile device. 1
Dashboard URI Prefixes List of Dashboard URI prefixes used to check if a global link launches a dashboard. Blank
Enable Push Notifications Enables or disables the mobile application, Accolade Go from sending notifications to your device. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. 0
Mobile Maximum Search Results The maximum number of items returned for search requests made to the mobile API. 500
Advanced Parameters
Push Notification for TTL The number of seconds the push message is retained by the push service for Accolade Go. 5000

Time Tracking

The following parameters apply to the Time Tracking optional component:

Display Name Description Default Value
Advanced Parameters
Time Tracking Max Daily Units The maximum daily value not to be exceeded on a given day when entering time on timesheets. 0
Time Tracking Warn or Block Input Greater than Max Daily Units Enables or disables the ability to enter time exceeding the daily limit. When set to 0, a warning displays when users enter a value greater than the allotted max daily value. When set to 1, the system clears cells that contain values greater than the max daily limit, and prevents users from submitting timesheets. 0
Time Tracking Warn or Block Input on Restricted Days Enables or disables the ability to enter time on restricted days. When set to 0, a warning displays when users enter time on restricted days. When set to 1, the system prevents users from entering time on restricted days. 0
Weekly Restricted Days Day(s) of the week which time cannot be entered on timesheets. 0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday. Separate entries using a pipe ( | ) delimiter. Blank
Weekly Start Day (Read Only) The day of the week on which timesheets start. 0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday. 0


The following parameters apply to the Dashboards for Accolade optional component:

Display Name Description Default Value
Dashboards Server URL URL of the Accolade Dashboards Server Blank
Advanced Parameters
Dashboard Users Group Name of the User Group used for Dashboards document permissions. Blank
Dashboards Web Ticket Password Password of the user used for retrieving the Dashboards web ticket. Blank
Dashboards Web Ticket User Name Name of the user used for retrieving the Dashboards web ticket. Blank


The following parameters apply to downloading content such as online reports, metrics, and process model data from Accolade to MS Excel:

Display Name Description Default Value
Excel Header Background Color The background color of the header rows in online reports downloaded to MS Excel. 0276FD
Excel Header Font Color The font color of the text in header rows in online reports downloaded to MS Excel. FFFFFF
Excel Header Is Bold Sets whether the header text is bold or regular weight in online reports downloaded to MS Excel. 0


The following parameters apply to setting the autoloader configuration, and are all read only within the Standard Parameters list. To update autoloader settings, use the Autoloader Configuration pane within the Administration Console:

Display Name Description Default Value
Advanced Parameters
FTP Inbox Path (Read Only) Path to the FTP inbox folder. Blank
FTP Outbox Path (Read Only) Path to the FTP outbox folder Blank
FTP Password (Read Only) Password for the FTP site. Blank
FTP Username (Read Only) Username for the FTP site. Blank
Local Inbox Path (Read Only) File path to the local inbox folder. Blank
Local Outbox Path (Read Only) File path to the local outbox folder. Blank
Relay Delay on Error (Read Only) Length of time in seconds that the service waits before retrying on error. Blank

Service Broker

The following parameters apply to the Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker:

Display Name Description Default Value
Advanced Parameters
Service Broker Conversation Lead Time The number of seconds, prior to the conversation lifetime, before the Service Broker stops sending messages on the conversation. Set the lead time value as less than the lifetime value, as it is intended to warn when approaching the lifetime time out. 14400
Service Broker Conversation Lifetime The maximum number of seconds before the SQL Service Broker ends the conversation. The lifetime value must exceed the timeout value and should be significantly longer than the time out value to avoid breaching the lifetime conversation end. 86400
Service Broker Conversation Timeout The number of seconds a conversation is allowed to run before the conversation times out and fires another conversation. For each new message sent on the conversation prior to reaching the time out, Accolade extends the allotted time for the conversation by this value. 60
Service Broker Retry Attempts The number of retries the Service Broker attempts to complete a request after receiving an error. 10
Service Broker Retry Delay The amount of time to wait between Service Broker retries (in hh:mm:ss format). 000:00:15