Scenarios in Gantt Views
Scenarios created in Accolade Portfolio Optimizer are saved versions of project data that Portfolio Managers use to create and edit completion and resource plans for projects within their portfolio. Scenarios are used for comparison to determine the best possible plan to complete projects and initiatives. If your company runs both Portfolio Optimizer and Innovation Planning, Planners can use the Gantt view within Innovation Planning to see a visual representation of a scenario.
Note: Resource data within a scenario is currently not available in Innovation Planning
The following are required to create a Gantt view, edit scenario data, or open a saved view that contains scenario data:
- Accolade Portfolio Optimizer must be enabled.
- You must have the Planner user role and must also have Load Scenario rights for Portfolio Optimizer.
- If you wish to edit scenario data in the Gantt view, you must first enable the "Allow updates to scenario data in Accolade" option.
Projects within the scenario display in the Gantt if the following are true:
- They are in a class that is included in planning.
- They fit within the parameters set within the view. For example, if the view filters on a metric, projects in the scenario that do not have that metric are not included in the display.
Phase metrics used for legends in scenario Gantt views will not display if the corresponding matrix is not defined as available to Portfolio Optimizer. Set the matrix to Show in the Available to Portfolio Optimizer field to enable the phase metric legend to display.
- You have access to view the project.
To create a Gantt view with a scenario:
- From the Planning menu, select Planning Board.
- Create a view or display a saved Gantt view.
- In the Scenario field, select the scenario to view.
Scenarios available for selection include:
- All public scenarios.
- All private scenarios that you created.
- All private scenarios on which you are an editor.
Click Create to display a new view, or Refresh View to apply the changes and refresh an existing view.
Click Save in the top right corner of the view to save your changes to the view.
Save Scenario Portfolio Optimizer rights are not required to save a view that contains scenario data. The icon next to a view in the Saved Views list indicates the view contains scenario data.
To view relationships between planning elements within a scenario:
- From the Planning menu, select Planning Board.
- Create a view or display a saved view.
- Click
in the upper right corner of the page to open the Show Scenario Relationships dialog.
- To view relationships for all relationship types, all planning elements, and five hierarchical levels, select the Show all scenario lines, elements, and levels check box at the top of the dialog box and continue with step 7.
- To select specific scenario relationship types, planning elements, and/or levels for which you want to view relationships, continue with step 4.
Important! If there are relationships included in the view that have date conflicts, the icon will display in the dialog next to the relationship types with conflicts.
In Gantt and composite Gantt views, the icon also displays next to the element's name in the view to indicate the conflict status.
- In the Elements to display field, select the planning elements within the view for which you want to display relationships.
This list only displays the planning elements that display in the current view. To select all elements within the view, select Check All at the top of the drop-down list.
- For each relationship type, select the Show check box to include lines between related elements in the view for that relationship type.
To show the lines for all relationship types, select the Show check box for the [All] relationship type at the top of the list. To view relationship types without showing the lines, skip this step and continue with step 6.
- For each relationship type, use the Levels to display slider selection to indicate how many hierarchical levels you want to include in the view.
Note: If you do not select to show lines for a relationship type, elements are still brought into the view based on the hierarchy selection in step 4 without displaying relationship lines between them.
For example, if you slide the selector to 3, relationships are displayed to elements that are three levels deep in the hierarchy from a parent element. To select the same level for all the selected relationship types, use the slider selection for the [All] relationship type at the top of the list.
After relationships are brought into the view, you can select to display fewer levels by reopening the dialog and adjusting the slider selection.
- Click the Line legend check box to display the key that identifies what relationships the line colors in the view represent.
The default legend selection displays the relationships displayed in the view. Clicking on a legend item will hide the corresponding relationships from the view, and the legend item will display with a strikethrough. Clicking on a strikethrough legend item will remove the strikethrough and display the corresponding relationships.
- Customize how the relationship lines are displayed on the view by clicking the Lines over elements check box and selecting a line type of Default or Straight.
- Click Done to view the relationships that match your selections.
Click Save in the top right corner of the view to save your changes to the view.