Use the Show buttons in the top left corner of the page to filter what displays in Resource Editor:
- Show Projects - Use this option to select the projects to display. This is helpful if you only want to see the resource demands for single project or for multiple projects at once. Displays if the View is set to By Project. If the View is set to By Resource, Show Resources displays in the top left corner.
- Show Demands - Use this option to select resources or projects that currently have demands (either requested or assigned). This is helpful if you want to see the demands for specific resources and projects. Use the filter options to filter the list of resources by pool, users, project, or portfolio. Resource Demand Planners who access Resource Editor from the Resources menu can also select Show Resources to select the resources to display, regardless of their existing demands. This option is helpful for Resource Demand Planners who only want to view who is currently allocated demands and who is not, or when creating a resource plan for a single resource.
Use the filter options in the upper right corner of the pages to filter the list of projects, resources, and demands. Additionally, filter by users and pools for the appropriate demands or resources selected to display, and when adding demands. User and pool filters are defined by extended fields and specifically list and multi-select list field types. For user filters, the extended field must be configured as active and searchable, and user filters only display user resources, not general resources.
The filter options you select are saved and applied the next time you open Resource Editor from the same location. For example, if you select filter options when you accessed the editor from the Resource menu, those same filters are select the next time you open the editor from the Resource menu.