Maintaining Reference Table Information

The owner of a reference table can add versions of reference tables they own, including changing values in the data rows, adding and removing data rows, updating columns headings, and adding new columns to the right side of the table.

Note:  A user with the Reference Table Manager user role must be assigned as the owner of the table to maintain it and add new versions.

Reference table versions must contain:

  • The same or more columns than the existing version. They cannot contain fewer columns.

Avoid inserting columns to the left of any existing columns. Doing so creates a disconnect between the column display names and system names. While the name disconnect can be corrected on the Reference Table Columns page, inserting a column can also create a disconnect between the data type of the columns and their contents. If you need to insert a column, it is best to delete the table and recreate it.

  • The same system name and value in the first column.

Changing a column's system name or a value in the first column might break field code references to this table's values are used in existing documents. If you must make such changes, you should make the corresponding changes in REFTABLE field codes in all document templates.

  • The same data type in existing columns.

To add a new reference table version:

  1. From the System menu, select Content Sources > Reference Tables.
  2. Click the name of the reference table you want create a version for.
  3. In the Versions of this Reference Table section, click the Spreadsheet Icon icon next to the version you want to use as a base for the new version.
  4. Modify the reference table as necessary and save the file to your computer.
  5. In the Versions of this Reference Table section, click Green Add Icon Add New, and select the saved file.
  6. In the New Version dialog:
  • Confirm or modify the column system names.
  • Confirm or modify the new column data types.
  • Enter the number formats of number type columns.
  1. Click Add New Version to save your changes.


  • To add version notes to a reference table, display the reference table details. In the Versions of the Reference Table section of the table, click in the reference table's Comments section to add comments, and click Apply to save your changes.
  • To delete a version of a reference table, display the reference table details. In the Versions of this Reference Table section of the table, click Grey Delete Icon for the version that you wish to delete and click Apply to save your changes. You cannot delete all versions of a reference table.
  • In addition to updating reference tables using the method described above, reference tables can also be updated using automatic loading. Contact your Accolade Administrator for information about where to save the version to upload it automatically.