Setting Gate Decisions Using Workflows

Workflows can include an automated step that sets the decision for the upcoming gate based on metric values set within the project. The decision for the gate is automatically set according to the metric conditions set within an automated step for each decision type, removing the need for manual entry of gate decisions or gatekeeper voting.

Note:  Process models can also be configured to automatically set a gate decision based on a set of metric conditions. Sopheon recommends using the Automated Gate Decision Rules settings within the process model or a workflow automated step to automate gate decisions, but not both.

When a workflow reaches the automated step to set the gate decision, Accolade processes the decisions in the following order and sets the decision to the first one that matches the metrics assigned:

  • Go
  • Kill
  • Hold
  • Recycle
  • Pending Decision

Gate decision names, such as Go and Hold are fully customizable and may differ for your Accolade installation. See your company's Process Designer for the names your company uses for these decisions.

A Conditional Go decision cannot be set using an automated gate decision and event reasons are not captured for automated gate decisions.

Setting gate decisions to set automatically does not prevent a gate owner from entering a decision manually and updating gate details. To ensure that gate details are not modified after setting the gate decision, consider setting the gate data to read-only using the Set Gates Page to read-only option in the process model.

Each workflow can have only one automated step that sets the gate decision. An automated gate decision step does not prevent steps after it from running. Additionally, if a project is set to require gatekeeper approval to pass a gate, the gate decision is set to Proposed.

To set a gate decision using an automated step in a workflow:

Note:  Prior to adding a gate decision automated step, determine the metric names and values to use to create the conditions that set each decision type.

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > Workflows and select the workflow, or create a new workflow.
  2. If necessary, click the Steps tab to display the steps and actions defined for the workflow.
  3. Click Add Automated Step and select Set Gate Decision as the automated action.
  4. For each gate decision listed, click the gate decision link and complete steps 5 to 7.
  5. Click Green Add Icon, select a metric to include as a condition, and click Select.

Use the Category and Search options to refine the list of metrics.

  1. For the added metric, select or enter the value the metric must meet within the project for the gate decision to be set, and click OK.
  2. Repeat step 5 to add additional conditions that must be met for the decision to be set.

If multiple conditions are entered, all conditions must be met to set the gate decision.

To edit a condition, click Grey Delete Icon to delete it and repeat step 5.

  1. Click OK to return to the workflow steps.
  2. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • Collaborative Workflow is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.