Reviewing Your Insight Cloud
Use the Insight Cloud to find linkages across projects and to quickly search projects or related documents based on common used words within a project name or project description. To return word values in the Insight Cloud the word must occur in at least three projects. Words related to projects you do not have access to display in the Insight Cloud, but only projects you have access to display in search.
To review commonly used words across projects:
- From the Workspace menu, select Insight Cloud.
- Click a word to open the Accolade search.
Words associated to a project name or project description display in the search results.
- To refine your search, do the following:
- Hold <CTRL> and click on a word to search by the previous selected word AND word clicked.
- Hold <ALT> and click a word to search by the previous selected word OR word clicked.
- <RIGHT> click a word to open a dialog displaying projects and associated team members.
Project names in red with an asterisk represent projects you are assigned to and are viewable in My Work.
- To emphasize words do the following:
- Select the Words I'm involved in check box to highlight the words associated to projects you are assigned to.
- Select the Words I'm not involved in check box to display only words associated to projects you are not assigned to.
(Optional) Click
to configure cloud settings.
Fields Description Top X Words
The number of words that display on the Insight Cloud page.
The minimum required value is 5.
Minimum Occurrence
The minimum number of occurrences a word appears in a project name and project description.
The smallest accepted value is 2.
Font Color
Enter a hexadecimal color code. The default color code is #417491.
Loading Text
The text that displays while Accolade generates the Insight Cloud.
The default text is "Processing words".
Excluded Words
To eliminate words that display on the page, list words separated by a comma.
Excluded Models
To exclude projects from the Insight Cloud, list the associated process model names using commas to separate each model.
- (Optional) If changed, click Update to apply settings.