Participating in Project Discussions

Discussions allow team members to collaborate and communicate about projects directly in Accolade. Each discussion is a collection of messages and can be accessed from the project itself or through the Innovation Feed available on the Workspace menu. Your defined user role may determine how you access project discussions.

Only team members assigned to a project have access to view and participate in project discussions. Restricted Team Members cannot access the discussions for their projects.

Viewing Project Discussions

Project discussions are viewable from the following locations:

  • Innovation Feed - Available from the Project > Innovation Feed menu, use the Innovation Feed to review and participate in discussions from more than one project. Only the three most recent comments in each discussion are displayed by default. To see all the comments in a discussion, click the row containing View (number) more comment(s).
  • Discussion page within a project - Click the Discussions Discussions Page Icon page within a project to review discussions about only that project.
  • Custom pages within a project - If defined, discussions may also be available within a custom page within a project. Click the custom page Custom Page Icon icon.

Click Refresh Icon to refresh the discussions and ensure you are viewing the most up to date comments for discussions in either location.

Creating Project Discussions and Adding Comments

On the Innovation Feed page, you can create and view discussions in any project shown on your My Work or Upcoming Gates page that you have rights to create discussions in. Any user who can access the Discussions page in a project can create discussions in that project.

To create a project discussion:

  1. From the Workspace menu, select Innovation Feed to display all your project discussions, or display a project and select the Discussions Discussions Page Icon page.
  2. Click Green Add Icon to create a new discussion.
  3. If creating a discussion from the Innovation Feed, select the project to which the discussion applies from the Project field.
  4. In the Title field, enter a title that clearly identifies the subject of the discussion.
  5. In the Message field, enter any initial comments regarding the discussion to get the conversation going.
  6. Click Create to add the discussion and your initial comment.

Other project team members can now view the discussion.

To add comments to an existing discussion:

  1. From the Workspace menu, select Innovation Feed to display all your project discussions, or display a project and select the Discussions Discussions Page Icon page.
  2. In the Write a Comment field, enter your comments to add to the discussion.
  3. Click Send.


  • To delete a discussion that you created or a comment that you added to a discussion (if you sent the comment and if it is the most recent comment in the discussion), display the discussion and click Grey Delete Icon next to the title to delete the discussion, or next to the comment to delete the comment.