Delegating All Your Assignments

To ensure assignments continue while you are out of the office or otherwise unavailable, delegate your assignments to someone else for a specified time period. Your deliverables, activities, and workflow actions that are due within the defined period are automatically assigned to the selected user. The assigned user sees the delegated assignments in their My Work page, and their work history is captured and indicated that the work was completed on your behalf. Be sure to communicate to the selected user that you are delegating assignments to them.

For most deliverables and activities, the delegated user does not need to have the same user roles and project access as the original assignment owner. However, you can only delegate assignments to users with one of the following roles: Project Team Member, Project Manager, Idea Manager, or Document Reviewer. In addition, if a deliverable or activity is configured as restricted to only select user roles, the delegated user must have the user roles assigned to the deliverable or activity to be assigned as the delegated owner. See Projects and Documents Access Overview for more information.

Important! If a user is delegated that is not part of the project team, their access rights are extended to include delegated ownership for the assignments in the project during the specified delegation period.

To delegate all your user assignments:

  1. Access your user profile and select the Details tab.
  2. In the Delegate Assignments section, complete the following information:
Field Description

Delegate to User

Click Blue Search Icon and select the user responsible for your assignments in your absence.

Start Date

Enter or select the first date in the date range to which the delegation applies. The delegation period includes the date entered here.

End Date

Enter or select the last date in the date range to which the delegation applies. The delegation period includes the date entered here.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • Only users with the Can Delegate Assignments user role can delegate their assignments to other users. Workflow action owners can delegate a single workflow action without having the Can Delegate Assignments role. See Delegating Your Workflow Actions for more information.
  • Delegated assignments display in the My Work page for both the original owner and the delegated user. To receive notifications about assignments that have been delegated to you, subscribe to the appropriate deliverable, activity, and workflow email notifications in your user profile. See Subscribing to Notifications for more information.