User Roles Reference

Already know the user role you want to review?

Administrator Project Manager
Can Delegate Assignments Project Team Member
Data Analyst Read Only
Document Reviewer * Reference Table Manager
Executive Resource Capacity Planner *
Gate Manager Resource Demand Planner *
Idea Manager * Resource Pool Administrator *
Planner * Restricted Team Member
Planning View Designer* Service Account
Process Designer Template Access
Process Manager Timesheet Approver*
Project Importer Timesheet User*

* These roles are available with purchase of their respective features.

Click here to view a visual representation of the user roles required to complete standard tasks within Accolade.

A user role is an attribute assigned within a user account that determines what pages the user can see and what tasks the user can complete within Accolade. A user role determines:

  • The default Home page displayed when first entering Accolade. The default home pages listed in the descriptions below are the Home pages that display if only that role is assigned. Administrators and Process Designers have the ability to set different home pages for different user roles using Global Links.
  • The menus available in the menu bar.
  • Tasks the user can complete.

Note:  Role names within Accolade are configurable. The roles referred to throughout this documentation use the default role names provided in Accolade.

A user role does not determine which projects and documents users can see. That visibility depends on the user’s place in the access groups hierarchy and on the user’s security profile, if any.

Process Execution Roles

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Reduced Access Roles

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Administrative Roles

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Planner Roles

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Resource Planning Roles

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Time Tracking Roles

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General Roles

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