Resource Editor at a Glance
Resource Editor is a part of Resource Planning, an optional Accolade component. Resource Editor allows Resource Demand Planners, Resource Capacity Planners, and Project Managers a single place to assign and request resource demands and set capacity. The page includes several visual indications using colors and icons to help navigate through the page and to determine which demands are new, and those that still require allocation.
Your user role determines how you access Resource Editor and the content that is available within it:
- Project Managers and Idea Managers access Resource Editor from the Project > Resource Requests menu. The page displays all projects that the Project Manager or Idea Manager owns, and all resources currently assigned to the project.
If you are a Project Manager or Idea Manager, when you open Resource Requests from the Workspace menu, you can create resource demand requests for any resource for your projects. Any assigned demands for a project are read only.
- Resource Demand Planners and Resource Capacity Planners access Resource Editor from the Resource menu. The page initially displays with no resources or projects shown.
General Navigation
To display resources or projects, use the Show buttons in the top left corner of the page to filter what displays in Resource Editor.
- Click Show Projects to select the projects to display. This is helpful if you only want to see the resource demands for single project or for multiple projects at once. Displays if the View is set to By Project. If the View is set to By Resource, Show Resources displays in the top left corner.
- Click Show Demands to select resources or projects that currently have demands (either requested or assigned). This is helpful if you want to see the demands for specific resources and projects. Use the filter options to filter the list of resources by pool, users, project, or portfolio. Resource Demand Planners who access Resource Editor from the Resources menu can also select Show Resources to select the resources to display, regardless of their existing demands. This option is helpful for Resource Demand Planners who only want to view who is currently allocated demands and who is not, or when creating a resource plan for a single resource.
Color Indications
Resource Editor uses color shading to help identify what requires your attention on the page:
- Tan shaded cells - These cells are visible when the Resource Editor is viewed By Resource, and indicate the overall capacity for a resource. The cells are editable by Resource Demand Planners who also have the Resource Capacity Planner user role.
- Light blue shaded Project rows - Indicates requested demands.
- Light green shaded Project rows - Indicates assigned demands.
- Yellow shaded cells - In general, indicates areas of the page that you can edit, for example, the Multiplier cell. In addition, yellow shaded cells in Project rows indicate time periods that are within the project's timeline.
- Light gray shaded cells - In Project rows, indicates time periods that are outside of the project's timeline. Gray shaded cells can be edited, but will not recalculate project dates based on resource changes.
Note: Project Managers do not see the Capacity rows. Instead they see net capacity calculations for each resource. See Resource Editor Net Capacity Resource Calculations for more information about net capacity and how it is calculated on the Resource Editor page.
Important! A project's timeline is defined by its start and end dates. If these dates are not defined, Accolade uses the first and/or last defined project gate dates to apply shading. If only one project date is defined, or the project does not have any dates defined, all time period cells will be shaded gray to indicate that the project's timeline is undefined.
- White cells - Indicates cells that are view-only.
Icons and Links
Resource Editor contains a number of icons that you can click to display more information or to add or delete demands and comments:
- Opens the Add New Demands dialog box to request or assign a demand.
- Expands or collapses a row or grouping. To expand or collapse all rows or groups displayed, use the
option in the table header.
- Adds an assigned demand that is allocated to the requested demand.
- Copies a demand or capacity value to the specified number of consecutive periods across a row, even if they are beyond the viewable area of the screen. You can also use Shift + to duplicate values.
- Displays comments about why you are adding or editing a demand. Notes are saved when you click Apply.
- Marks the demand row for deletion. Deleted rows are removed when you click Apply.
- Undoes a pending row deletion.
- Project name link - Displays project information, gate dates, and metrics.
Resource Editor also includes visual indicators to help you identify new, blank demand rows:
- Indicates a new demand row, and any demand row that currently has no demand value or demand curve assigned. Project names and resource names for these demand rows display in bold type.
These demand rows continue to display in bold with until demand values are assigned. or a demand curve is selected.
- Indicates an edit to an existing row since you last clicked Apply in Resource Editor. Use this indicator to review existing demand rows to which you have made edits prior to clicking Apply. This indicator does not apply to the changes in capacity.
Security lists, if enabled, control access to project information. If you do not have access to a project, you can still create demand rows for that request; however, you cannot access any of the project information. "Hidden" and a project code displays instead of the project name for these projects in all locations in Resource Editor by default. The Allow Restricted Names to be Visible parameter determines whether project names are visible to users who do not have access to a project. An Administrator must set the parameter to 1 for the project names to display throughout Resource Editor regardless of security.
Additional Options in Resource Editor
Use the following options in the upper right corner of the page to customize the view and provide additional information to complete your tasks within the editor.
to select metrics to be used as filter or sort options when displaying projects, resources, and demands on the page. More...
Select one or more metrics in the available list, then select the metric and its value to be applied in the Filter or Sort drop-down fields. Click
to add or remove options as necessary.
Only metrics defined as Available to Resource Editor are available for selection.
Click the Show check box to display the metric value within the view. Up to five metrics can be displayed in the view, and they do not have to be used as a filter or sort option in order to display the metric value within the view.
- Use the
option to select whether to organize the information by project, by resource, or by resource grouped by pool, in order to assign demands and capacity values for pools that you own. Grouping by pool also provides a total pool capacity calculation.
- Use the
options to show or hide the rows and columns described below:
- Totals - When displayed, shows or hides the Overall Total and Visible Total columns that display the total requested demands and total assigned demands relative to the resource or the project (depending on how you have sorted information) in the time period. As a Demand Planner, use the information in these two columns to help ensure that your assigned demands equal those the requested demands. As a Project Manager, you can use this information to determine if you have received assigned demands for the requests that you have made.
- Demand Type - When displayed, shows or hides the type of demand, requested or assigned. Requested demands display highlighted in light blue and assigned demands display highlighted in light green.
- Effective Period - When displayed, shows or hides the effective starting period of the demand curve being applied to the assigned demand.
- Demand Curve - When displayed, shows or hides the demand curve column. See Applying Resource Demand Curves for more information about how applying demand curves affects resource planning.
- Multiplier - When displayed, shows or hides the multiplier column.
- Net Allocation - When displayed, shows or hides the total assigned demand that is linked to a requested demand. Use this option to help identify the requested demands that are currently over or under allocated.
- Net Capacity - When displayed, shows or hides the total remaining capacity for the resource in the By Project view. See Resource Editor Net Capacity Resource Calculations for more information about net capacity and how it is calculated on the Resource Editor page.
- Empty Rows - Shows or hides rows that have no demand within the currently display time period range. Because the empty rows can change day to day, if you change the time period you are viewing within the editor, this option is selected again to display the empty rows. For the same reason, your selection is not saved when you exit Resource Editor. When you return to the editor, the empty rows are selected to display.
Note: On a requested demand, the or
icon next to the resource indicates the fulfillment status for the resource.
indicates that the demand request is fulfilled.
indicates that the demand request is not or is only partially fulfilled. Hovering over the Overall Total cell will show the number of unfulfilled periods.
Your selections are saved and applied the next time you open Resource Editor from the same location. For example, if you select display options when you accessed the editor from the Resource menu, those same settings are applied the next time you open the editor from the Resource menu.