Defining Resource Editor Filters

Create filters to provide Resource Demand Planners with a method to refine the list of projects and resource pools available for selection within Resource Editor.

Vertical Ordering of Filters

Metric filters are listed in order by their defined Order numbers. A lower number places the filter higher in the list. Extended field filters for pools are ordered alphabetically by their display names.

Create Filters that Match Pools to Projects

If your company uses security lists, and the Enable Extended Demand Constraints system parameter is set to 1, the security list selections for the pool and project must match for the pool and project to be available within Resource Editor. A match between a resource pool and a project occurs in an individual list when the same item is selected for the pool as for the project or when a selected item for one (pool or project) is on a branch below a selected item for the other (project or pool).

For example, consider a three-level list based on geographical location:




If the pool has Europe selected as the continent, a project that has Paris selected matches the pool because Paris is in a branch coming down from Europe. A project with Dallas selected would not match because Dallas is not on a branch below Europe. The match would also occur if it were the project that had a selection at the Continent level and the pool that had a lower item selected.

To make a complete match there must be at least one match between the pool and the project in every active list in the security list system.


  • The security list match between projects and pools is different from the way user security lists match the lists of either projects or pools. User security lists must have the same item selected as the project or pool has to make the match.
  • A user with access to many pools and projects could experience significant wait times while the filters try to calculate matching pools and projects. This problem can be reduced if the security lists of pools and projects have as few redundant selections as possible.
  • Matching pools to projects affects the resources available for selection within Resource Editor.
  • If the Enable Extended Demand Constraints system parameter is set to 0, all resource pools are available for all projects; however, user-pool security still applies.
  • Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support .