Creating User Accounts from Active Directory

When you add a user using Active Directory, Accolade imports the user information such as the user's name and email address from the Active Directory objects you indicated when you mapped the Active Directory server to fields within Accolade.

Prior to creating users in Accolade using Active Directory:

  • Define the users within the Active Directory. After Active Directory is enabled in Accolade, you can only add user accounts that are defined within Active Directory.
  • Create and map the Active Directory server within Accolade.

To add a user account from Active Directory:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.

The current list of users displays.

  1. Click Green Add Icon to display the Add New User dialog box.
  2. In the Server field, select the Active Directory in which you want to search for the user.

To search all servers you have defined, select All.

  1. Enter any or all of the following as it exists in the Active Directory and click Search to search the domain for the user:
Field Description

User Email Contacts

Enter any part of the user's corporate email address.

User Login Name Contains

Enter any part of the name the user uses to log on to your network.

User Name Contains

Enter any part of the user's user name.

Users matching the information you entered display in the Select a User list.

  1. Select the user in the list to add.
  2. In the Chat Address field, enter the user's address for your selected chat tool.

This can be the same or different than the user's standard email address.

  1. (Optional) If the Enable User Profile Images system parameter is enabled, add a user profile image that displays along with the user's name in various locations within Accolade, click Profile Picture Default Icon next to the user name, click Choose Image, navigate to and select the image to add, and click Upload Image. To remove a profile image, click the image next to the user name and click Remove.
  2. To display as an image within Accolade, an image file must be one of the following file types: .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, jfif, or .png.

  3. Click Create to create the user account.


  • The users that exist in Accolade prior to enabling Active Directory and running a sync are not removed from Accolade if they do not exist in the Active Directory when a sync runs.
  • After Active Directory is enabled, you cannot change the values in the fields for any user within Accolade, such as the users email address.
  • To import users, disable Active Directory, run the import, and then re-enable the Active Directory functionality.