Changing the Display Language and Date Format

Your company may do business in more than one country, or you may speak another language that you prefer to have the Accolade site display in. Select your preferred language and date format in your user profile to display the text in that language, and to display and enter dates in Accolade within that format.

Administrators and Process Designers set up the languages available within Accolade.

To change the display language:

  1. Access your user profile and select the Details tab.
  2. In the Language field, select the display language.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

To change the date format:

  1. Access your user profile and select the Details tab.
  2. In the Date Format field, select the format to display and enter dates.

The default date format is MMM dd, yyyy (Feb 28, 2016).

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • The Language list contains English (the default) and any additional languages defined within Accolade.
  • If using the default date format, when selecting dates in date fields throughout the application, you select a date from a calendar. Typing the date, such as Feb 28, 2015, is not allowed.
  • The language setting in Accolade determines the character used as the decimal point in larger numbers and the group separator.