Adding Images to Documents Using Accolade Field Codes

You can add project-related images to documents, spreadsheets, and presentations using Accolade fields. Use image field codes to displays the images that are associated with the codes for each project. Accolade contains the following standard image field codes. Your company may have defined addition codes specific to your site.

  • {*image:ProjectMain*} - Displays the image intended to represent the project in documents.
  • {*image:ProjectThumbnail*} - Displays the project’s thumbnail image.
  • {*image:ProjectProcessGraphic*} - Displays the model graphic that shows the stages and gates in the project.

To add an image to a document using an Accolade field code:

  1. Open the document to modify.
  2. On the Insert tab, click Object in the Text Category.
  3. In the Create New tab, select Bitmap Image and click OK.

You can also insert a picture from a file rather than an Object.

  1. In the document, click the space where the empty object was inserted, right-click the object outline, and select Format Object.
  2. Display the Alt Text options for the object.

This may be a tab in a dialog box, or in the Size & Properties options in a panel.

  1. Enter the appropriate image field code in the Alternative Text box (in a document or spreadsheet), or in the Description field (presentation).
  2. Set the height, width, and rotation for the image.

If you do not know what size the image should be, you can set an approximate size, and the document owner can set the exact size after the image has been selected in the project.

To make the object window the same size as the image after it is inserted, open the Format Picture dialog box. On the Size tab, clear the Lock aspect ratio check box, then make sure that Height and Width (under Scale) equal 100% and that the Relative to original picture size check box is selected. After the distortion is removed, select the Lock aspect ratio check box again.

  1. Save the version to Accolade and then download the new version to ensure the image displays correctly.


  • The images initially display in a size that completely fills the object window in the document, not in the dimensions shown in Accolade. Images may appear distorted.
  • Images do not display in project documents until images are associated with the appropriate field codes in the project.