Creating Migration Maps

Migration maps allow Process Managers to move a project to a different model or to make project copies. Process Designers create the maps that specify the source and target models for the migration or copy.

For example, when an idea project concludes successfully, Process Managers can move some or all of the project's information and team members to a development project, choosing the best structure to use to continue the project. Migrating projects allows the data gathered while the project was still considered an idea to carry over to the development project without having to be re-entered.

To create a migration map:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > Migration Maps.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new migration map - Click Add New in the upper right corner of the page.
  • To edit an existing migration map - Click the name of the migration map to open it for editing.
  1. Complete the following information about the migration map:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the migration map.

To identify the exact purpose of the migration map, consider using a name that identifies the source and target models. For example, Idea Decision Project - Stage Gate Development Project.

System Name

Enter a unique, shorter name that identifies the migration map.

The name must be unique among migration maps and can contain only letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.

From Model

Select the process model the project uses prior to the migration.

To Model

Select the process model the project uses after the migration.

  1. Select the Active check box when the migration map is ready to use to migrate and copy projects.
  2. To help ensure consistency in project migrations, select the details about the source project to assign and copy to the new project when using this migration map.

For example, to assign the current project team with the current document assignments to the migrated project, select the Retain project team check box.

  • Copy project links - select to copy the project links from the original project to the new project.
  • Close source project - select to close the original project after the migration to the new project is complete.
  • Retain project access group - select to retain the access group from the original project.
  • Retain project history - select to copy the project history from the original project into the new project.
  • Retain project Manager - select to retain the project manager from the original project.
  • Retain project team - select to retain the project team members from the original project.
  1. If the Allow Mid-Process Start for Migration option is set for the process models included in the migration, select the stage or gate in which the new project starts.
  2. Click Done to save your changes.
  3. Notes:   

    • When migrating or copying a project, Process Managers and Idea Managers with Migrate Project rights can select to change whether to retain a project team, project history, and project links, and whether to close the original project. The settings in the migration map are the default selections for those options.
    • Migration maps can only include active process models. If a process model is inactive, any migration maps that include it in the To Model field are also inactivated.
    • To delete a migration map, display the migration map and click Delete.