Migrating Projects After Workflow Completion

Workflows can include rules that migrate a project to a different model after the workflow has been completed and approved. When the workflow is completed, Accolade uses the metric settings and the workflow migration rules set in the workflow configuration to determine which migration maps to use and automatically migrates the project. Automating project migrations using workflow migration rules removes the need to manually migrate a project after a workflow has been completed.

Consider the following when configuring a workflow to start a project migration:

  • Only approved workflows can start a project migration. Workflows that are completed but rejected do not start the migration.
  • A single workflow can contain multiple rules that result in a single project being migrated multiple times.
  • All other workflows in the project are stopped when the project migration starts. Ensure that your configure is set correctly so that workflows that contain finish conditions, such as setting gate decisions, are not stopped before those events take place.
  • If a migration map is set to close the original project after the migration, all migrations complete before the original project is set to Closed.
  • If a migration map does not contain the correct model setup, the migration does not complete.

To migrate a project after a workflow has completed:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > Workflows and select the workflow, or create a new workflow.
  2. In the Migration Map Rules table, click Green Add Icon, enter a unique name and system name to identify the rule, and select the migration map that Accolade uses for the automatic migration.
  3. Click on the Conditions to define the metric conditions that must be met to migrate using the selected map.
  4. Click Green Add Icon, select a metric to include as a condition, and click Select.

Use the Category and Search options to refine the list of metrics.

  1. For the added metric, select or enter the value the metric must meet within the project for the workflow approval to trigger the migration, and click OK.

Repeat as necessary to add additional conditions that must be met for the workflow to start the project migration. If multiple conditions are entered, all conditions must be met for the project to migrate.

  1. Repeat steps 2-5 to add migration rules for other migration maps.

You can define multiple rules for the same migration map.

  1. Click OK to return to the workflow configuration.
  2. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • To delete a migration rule, click Delete Icon next to the rule in the Migration Map Rules field.
  • Collaborative Workflow is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.
  • When workflow migration starts the Project Leader and WF Action Owner will receive notifications that migration has begun, and when it completes these users will receive a notification that migration has completed with information about the migrated project.