XML Element: initial-value

Displays a value in a local-entry field before the document owner enters any data. When the document owner later modifies the entry, the new data replaces the initial displayed value.

Set the local-entry element to read-only to display an initial value without it be being editable.

Number of occurrences

Once for each containing entry.

Parent elements


Child elements



<wd:initial-value>Text string.</wd:initial-value>

Note:  The text in an initial-value element is not enclosed in quotes as is the text in attributes and must be identical to one of the enumeration values.




The following example shows an initial-value element for a local-entry that is a type of string:

   name=”comment 1”
   title=”Stage Comment”>
      <wd:type base=”string”/>
      <wd:initial-value>Enter comments on progress since the last gate meeting.

The following example shows an initial-value for a local-entry that is a type of date:

   title=”Market Launch”>
   name=”Mkt Launch”
      <wd:type base=”date”/>

The following example shows an initial-value for a local-entry that is a type of enum:

   title=”Tensile Quality”>
      <wd:type base=”enum”/>
         <wd:enumeration value="Easy"/>
         <wd:enumeration value="Difficult"/>
         <wd:enumeration value="Impossible"/>