Gold Best Practice RibbonImporting and Exporting Data Best Practices

Keep the following set of best practice recommendations in mind when importing and exporting data:

  • For reference table pairs that import data (Data/Config reference table pairs), every column referenced in the Config table must be present in the Data table, or the upload does not proceed. However, if there are extra columns in the Data table that are not referenced in the Config table, those columns are added to the new version of the reference table, but validation checks prevent the data from being imported.
  • For reference table pairs that update data (Data/Config reference table pairs), if there is a change to the data, such as a metric column removed from the Data table, you must save the Config table containing that change to Accolade, before uploading the corresponding Data table. However, if the configuration remains unchanged, you can load multiple versions of the Data table in succession without the accompanying Config table.