Viewing Charts and Reports in Accolade
Reporting in Accolade provides a means to summarize and analyze project and other data within your database in a format and manner that is most applicable to your organization and data needs.
Charts and reports displayed at a system-level allow users to analyze and compare projects across a portfolio, while charts and reports displayed at a project-level allow users to summarize a single project's status and relevant information.

For example, consider a report or chart that contains various project details for every project in the system. When displayed at a global level, either on the Charts & Reports page or in a page layout displayed as a global link, it displays the details for all included projects. When displayed at a project level, in a project page layout, it only displays the given project details.
Viewing System-Level Charts or Reports
The Charts & Reports page provides a single location for accessing and viewing online reports and charts within Accolade. Users must have Refresh Workbook Data or All Reporting Rights to view an online report or chart.
The Charts & Reports page is organized into two sections to help users quickly navigate to their information:
- My Charts & Reports: Items that appear here are considered private. You must be assigned as an owner of the chart or report, and it is not marked on the configuration side as Available.
- Shared Charts & Reports: Items that appear here are considered public. They are available for users to view if the chart or report is marked on the configuration side as Available. If the item is restricted to specific roles, users must also have a matching system user role assigned.
Note: An assigned owner with All Reporting Rights can view, update, delete, or add additional owners to the chart or report. An assigned owner who has Refresh Workbook Data rights will only be able to view the chart or report.
Important! The reports that display for selection are based on your access group permissions as defined in your user profile.
Note: Charts and reports that are included in a page layout can also be viewed within a global link, if they are included in your company's configuration.
To view an available chart or report:
- From the System menu, select Content Sources > Charts & Reports Manager.
Note: Process Designers can also create or edit charts, reports, and related configuration by navigating to the System menu and selecting Content Sources > Charts & Reports Manager.
- Click the name of the chart or report you want to view.
To narrow the list, search by name or category.
- (Optional, as available and applies to reports only) Click
in the upper right corner to download the current version of the report.
Viewing Project-Level Charts or Reports
In addition to viewing system-wide information in the charts and reports available on the Charts & Reports page, Administrators and Process Designers can associate charts and reports with a process model to display data within a project. When viewed through a project, only data that pertains to that project displays in the chart or report, unless Override project filtering is set in the report configuration.
Charts and reports can be displayed in a project by two different methods:
- Displayed on the project using a Report List pod on a layout - MS Excel or HTML reports are configured in the pod's advanced settings. Users with appropriate rights can click on a report name to open it for viewing or downloading, depending on the report's configuration.
Click on the Report List pod on the layout to print the list of charts and reports that display.
- Added to a project page layout - HTML reports, online reports, and charts created from online report data can be added to a page layout that is associated with the process model, and can be accessed by opening the related custom page in the project's page list. This method of displaying a report allows users to view multiple data sources at one time, and to apply runtime filters in order to filter the project information displayed in the charts and/or reports.
Applying Runtime Filters to Charts or Reports
Users can apply runtime filters to charts or reports that are displayed within a page layout that is used as a project page or as a global link. Filters can be used to further modify the data displayed without making adjustments to the original data source, allowing users flexibility to display the information that is relevant to their role.
Runtime filters can be selected and applied either to a single report or chart, or to all charts and reports that are displayed in the layout.
In order to apply runtime filters, the selected reports must be set up with filters that have runtime filtering enabled, and the selected charts must be created from an online report with filters that have runtime filtering enabled.
To apply filtering to an individual chart or report on a layout:
- Display the layout that contains the chart or report to be filtered.
Each chart or report lists the runtime filters that are currently applied.
- Click
in the upper right corner of the chart or report to open the Report Filters dialog box.
The filter categories applied to the selection will appear in the list. If the selection does not have runtime filters configured, the message "No filters have been defined" will display in the dialog.
- For each filter row, enter the value to apply as filter criteria.
Important! A value must be defined for all filters in the dialog box. If you do not wish to apply a particular filter, you will need to set its value to something that will not cause data to be filtered out.
- Click Apply to apply the filters and refresh the data displayed.
- (Optional, as available and applies to reports only) Click
in the upper right corner to download the current version of a report.
To apply filtering to all charts and reports on a layout:
Note: Enable page filters must be selected on the layout configuration in order to use this process to apply runtime filters to all charts or reports in a layout.
- Display the layout that contains the charts or reports to be filtered.
Page Filters appears in the upper left corner, along with a list of the filters that are currently applied to all charts and reports on the layout. In addition, each chart or report lists any unique runtime filters that are currently applied.
- Click
to open the Page Filters dialog box.
In order to be available to apply to the layout, filter categories must be included in the configuration for all charts and reports on the layout.
If the selection does not have runtime filters configured, the message "No filters have been defined" will display in the dialog.
- For each filter row, enter the value to apply as filter criteria.
Important! A value must be defined for all filters in the dialog box. If you do not wish to apply a particular filter, you will need to set its value to something that will not cause data to be filtered out.
- Click Apply to apply the filters and refresh the data displayed.
- (Optional, as available and applies to reports only) Click
in the upper right corner to download the current version of a report.
Using Accolade Tools to Interact With Online Reports
Access the enhanced search, filter, and sort capabilities in Accolade’s Charts and Reports section. These enhancements allow users to search, filter, sort, and hide/show columns in reports in a more efficient way and organize pertinent information quickly.
Note: Refreshing the page will reset any filters or sorting.
To column filter all charts and reports in Accolade
Access the new icon that is located in the column header that will allow users to select filtering options, using checkboxes, to apply to their report search.
Utilize the newest search functionality that allows users to find filtering options to apply.
Use the new icon located at the top right of the report to remove any filters applied to the report.
To search all charts and reports in Accolade
Select the Search Bar at the top-right corner of the report to keyword search within the report.
Note: The keyword search is not case sensitive.
Click the X icon in the Search Bar to clear the keyword search data.
To show/hide columns in Accolade
Select the icon displayed in the top-right corner of the report to show or hide columns within that report.
Uncheck the box next to the column name and click the Apply button to hide the column.
To effectively control columns widths in Accolade
Hover over the header bar in the report to see the lines separating each column. Users can now click and drag to expand or minimize that specific column.
Double click the line separating each column to set the column back to the original size (Auto-Sizing).
Display full text contents of the cell by clicking onto that specific cell when the text is truncated due to the smaller size of the column.
To interactively sort all charts and reports in Accolade
Click on any column header in the report to sort the report based on the data within that column.
Clicking once on a column will sort in ascending order, clicking twice will sort in descending order, and clicking a third time will revert to the default report sort order.
Click on the Save Preferences icon
in the top-right of the report to save your column widths and hidden columns.