Creating Page Layouts

Administrators and Process Designers with the Template Access user role can design custom layouts to surface project information, such as a project dashboard page that displays when opening a project. Page layouts can contain one or more pods to display information such as project metrics, content accessed from a global link, charts or reports data, quick grids, and more. Layouts can be added as a global link within Accolade or associated with a process model for display within a project.

To create a page layout:

  1. From the System menu, select Page Design > Layouts.

To narrow the layout list, search by the layout name, system name, or category.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To create a new page layout - Click Add New in the upper right corner of the page.
  • To edit an existing page layout - Click the name of the layout to open it for editing.
  • To create a layout based on an existing layout - Click Copy Icon in the Copy column to create a copy that can be used as a base to build a new layout.

The system includes active layouts titled Project Home and Project Gates that can serve as a project's home and details page, and project gates pages. Copy the layouts to customize them further instead of modifying the original system layouts, ensuring you do not lose the original layouts' pods and format.

  1. Enter the following information to identify the layout:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the layout.

System Name

Enter a unique, shorter name that identifies the layout in queries, reporting views, field codes, and other places in Accolade.

The name must be unique among layouts and can contain only letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.


Select the icon and icon color to be used for the layout.


Enter a description of the purpose or nature of the layout.

This description helps other users identify the layout throughout the system.



Enter a number to specify the page layout's place when it displays in a list of layouts. Lower numbered layouts display higher in the list.

Note:  Layouts set as active project pages will display before existing project pages to provide most relevant data first.


Select this check box when the layout is ready to use.

Note:  If you deactivate a layout that is associated with a process model, the association remains; however, the projects based on the model no longer display the layout as a project page.

Create global link

Select if the layout's intended use is as a global link that is accessed from outside a project. When selected, a global link is created when you click Save or Save and Close in the layout editor.

If this layout's intended use is as a dashboard or other page displayed in a project with project-specific information, leave this check box clear.

After creating the layout, go to System > Page Design > Global Links to configure the global link.

View in Accolade Go

Select to make the layout available for viewing in the Accolade Go mobile application.

Note:  If an Advanced Platform pod is set to a layout, the Available to Mobile check box will be disabled.

Show project header

Select this check box to include the header portion of a project page when this layout displays within a project.

For example, you may choose to not show the project header for layouts used to gather ideas and for idea campaigns.

The default hides the header in layout pages.

Hide project menu

Select to remove the project details menu Project Details Icon access from the layout on a project.

Hiding the project menu removes the ability to:

  • access the communication options for email and chat.

  • migrate, copy, close, or delete a project from the layout.

Hide Navigation Breadcrumb

Select this check box to hide the hierarchy breadcrumb and menu from the layout on a project.

For new layouts, this option is unchecked by default.

Show process graphic

Select to include the process graphic when this layout displays within a project.

The default hides the process graphic in layout pages. Select to show the graphic in projects that use layouts where it is important to show the stage the project is in.

Use master buttons

Select this check box to enable Apply and Reset buttons that save and reset changes to quick grid pods in the layout that are not set as read only.

If unselected, Apply and Reset buttons are available to save or reset changes in each individual quick grid pod.

If the Read Only Quick Grid advanced setting is enabled on a quick grid pod, no updates can be made to that pod regardless if master buttons are used.

Enable page filters

Select this check box to enable runtime filters that can be applied to all charts and reports pods in the layout.

Note:  In order to apply runtime filters, the selected reports must be set up with filters that have runtime filtering enabled, and the selected charts must be created from an online report with filters that have runtime filtering enabled.

If unselected, filters may be available to be applied individually to charts and reports pods, but not to the layout as a whole. See Applying Runtime Filters to Charts or Reports for more information on runtime filtering options.

Enable cycles

Select this check box to enable Charts on the layout. Chart Cycles can be enabled on any layout.

Cycles allow you to look at the various charts based on a common metric, such as Region, Business Unit, Product Line, etc. Each chart configured for Cycles will re-render based on the selected Cycle value.

Add to new Process Models

Select to automatically associate the layout with Gated, Non-Gated, and/or Idea process models when new process models are created.

The layout defaults as checked in the Pages & Layouts section on the Pages tab of a new process model and is useful when wanting to include the layout as a default project page.

Page width

Select how the page layout width is determined.

  • Select Autofit to display the page to fit the pods and pod contents left aligned.
  • Select Fixed and enter the width of the layout in pixels to have the page display with a forced width.

Fill page

Select to expand the height of the lowest pods in the layout.

The pods extend to fill the remaining space on the layout if the layout does not already scroll on a page. If the layout scrolls, the lowest pods do not expand.


If you set the page width as Fixed, select the layout alignment as Left, Center, or Right.

Margin color

If you set the page width as Fixed, click the color block next to the field and select a color to apply to the margin width of the layout.

Background color

Click the color block next to the field and select a color to apply to the background of the layout.

Configuration Access Groups

Select the access groups to which the layout belongs.

Process Designers with matching permissions will be able to edit and view the layout or the data within its pods. The access groups displayed are based on the current user's access group permissions and the access groups the layout belongs to.

Process Model Usage

(Only available when editing an existing layout) Click the Process Model Usage button to see the list of process models that the layout is associated with.

The list includes all process models the layout is included in, as well as links to the process model's component tree pages that you have Edit access to.

  1. Click Save in the lower right corner of the page to save changes, Save and Close to save the configuration and close the editor, or Cancel to close the editor without saving changes.
  2. Continue with any one or more of the following steps to complete and implement the layout:
  • Add one or more pods or comparison sets to the layout. Without at least one pod, the layout is blank.
  • Associate the layout with one or more existing gated, non-gated, or idea models to include it in projects based on that model.
  • Add the layout as a global link to display the page outside of a project.


  • To delete a layout, click Grey Delete Icon in the Delete column on the Layout page. If you delete a layout that is used as a global link, the global link is also automatically deleted.

Important! Do not delete system layouts used for personalized home pages. You will not be able to undo this action and will have to contact a System Administrator to run a script to re-add the layouts.

  • Copying layouts containing the Advanced Platform pod will not copy the JavaScript or HTML files. Save the copied layout then add or upload the JavaScript and/or HTML files.
  • The filter icon will not appear in a layout's charts or reports pods if there are no filters available for users to apply to the contents.