Setting Up Idea Campaigns

Idea campaigns are specific efforts that your company puts forth to gather ideas around products or initiatives. The campaign offers a single entry point that provides idea submitters information about the call for ideas. Within Accolade, the campaign is a portfolio project that contains all the ideas submitted for that campaign.

Administrators and Process Designers set up the components used to create both the campaign project and the projects created for ideas submitted for the campaign. The following setup is required:

Campaign Access

As your company is designing campaigns, consider who has access to the campaign while it is open for idea submissions and who has access once the campaign is closed. Administrators can set access up using access groups. While a campaign is in the idea collection stage, the campaign's access group may be accessible to all Accolade users, so all users have access to the campaign project to submit and discuss ideas. When a campaign is closed to new ideas and has moved to an evaluation stage, Administrators can remove access to all users except the campaign manager and those associated with evaluating the campaign.

Campaign and Idea Project Page Layouts

Note:  Users with the user roles listed to the right must also have the Template Access user role.

The design of a campaign begins with a page layout that can contain any pod elements you like. Each layout used for campaigns must contain a Create Child Project pod to provide the ability to create a new project from the campaign. A layout used for a campaign typically includes:

  • An image pod.
  • A metric pod that contains a long string metric to display a message about the purpose campaign.
  • Other metrics such as to select a geographic area or to display a deadline date for idea submissions.
  • (Required) Create Child Project pod.

A campaign may also include:

  • A portfolio project list pod to display the ideas already submitted to the campaign.
  • A voting pod to enable voting on a campaign before it is opened for idea submissions.

Administrators and Process Designers can create a single layout that is used for all your campaigns, so each campaign contains the same elements, or define as many layouts to use for campaigns as needed.

In addition, the model used to create the project for ideas submitted to a campaign may require a layout. For example, if you want to add a voting mechanism for a project created from an idea campaign, you can add that to a page layout using a voting pod. You can create a single layout for all idea projects, or define as many layouts as needed.

Models for Ideas Submitted to the Campaign

Each campaign requires a default portfolio model that tells Accolade which model to use for projects created from that campaign. The default model can be a gated, non-gated, or an idea model.

Process Designers should consider the following when defining these models:

  • Name the model so it is identifiable when selecting it from the campaign model (described below).
  • Use an idea model to leverage the other idea functionality (if enabled) within Accolade, such as:
    • Email notifications when an idea is submitted.
    • Ideas that Accolade users submit from the campaign display in the Work pod on the My Work page, available from the Workspace menu. Ensure the Work pod on this page is configured to display Ideas. For more information, see Viewing Your Work.
    • Ability to use the Idea Manager user role for projects created for submitted ideas.
    • Ability to leverage existing idea forms and idea models if your company used Idea Submission in prior versions of Accolade. When setting up campaigns, the form on the idea model is disregarded.
  • Use calculated metrics and the Default Project Manager setting to route submitted ideas to an assigned Accolade user. Select an individual Accolade user, or a user determined by one or more metric selections when the idea is submitted. Using a metric enables automatic routing of ideas, concepts, and projects to the correct business leader based on criteria for the project such as business area, product line, or geographic location.

Ensure the metric selections assigned to the model are editable on project creation, and that the metric that selects the Project Manager is set to not show within the project.

  • Add a layout to the model that includes a voting pod to gather Accolade user voting data on individual ideas.

Campaign Models

The campaign model is the model that Process Managers with Add Project rights select when they create a campaign project. This model determines components such as the metrics shown for creation and within a portfolio project list, the layout used to present the campaign, and the model used for ideas submitted to the campaign. Ensure those items are set appropriately for what displays in the campaign.

Before creating the campaign model, ensure that you have the default portfolio model created (as described above), and a page layout designed for the campaign to add to the model.

A campaign model must meet the following requirements:

  • Be based on a class that has the Is Portfolio option selected and Gated or Non-Gated set as the process type.
  • Use stages and gates with clearly defined names, such as Community or Gathering for the stage when the campaign is open for idea submissions, and Evaluation for the time when campaign managers are reviewing ideas.
  • Have a model selected in the Default Portfolio Model field. This is the model that is used to generate projects for ideas submitted to campaigns based on this model. This can be a gated, non-gated, or an idea model.
  • A layout, as described above, that represents the campaign assigned in the Visible field. To make the layout the default page that displays when a user accesses the project, select the layout as the landing page.

The pages you choose to include in the model for the campaign display when Accolade users access projects that represent the campaign. Process Designers can choose to include the project pages necessary to configure a project and then hide them after the project is created. Consider the impact that has on other campaigns that use a model.

See Creating Gated and Non-Gated Process Models for information about creating gated and non-gated models.

Campaign Projects

After the models are set, a Process Manager with Add Project rights creates the project that represents a specific campaign. Within that project, the Process Manager or assigned Project Manager can add images and other information to populate the campaign as it should display to idea submitters.

If the model used for the campaign project does not contain the pages required to set metrics or add images, use alternate methods to set those items. For example, ensure that the layout used includes template images that you can add to the Template Library and import metric definitions instead of setting them through the project pages.


  • Ideation is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.

  • This article mentions using the Work pod on the My Work page to view submitted Ideas. Depending on your company's configuration, users may not have access to this menu or it may be renamed. The Work pod is also available on the Comprehensive and Focused home page layouts, and on the Upcoming Gates page. For more information, see Viewing Your Work.