Creating Classes

A class categorizes a selection of process models that share a similar process type, and serves as a template for the models and projects created that are based on them.

To create a class:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > Classes.

To narrow the class list, search by the class name, system name, or category.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new class - Click Add New in the upper right corner of the page.
  • To create a class based on an existing class - Click Copy Icon in the Copy column to create a copy that can be used as a base to build a new class.
  • To edit an existing class - Click the name of the class to open it for editing.

To copy a class to use as a base for a new class you must have "Can Edit" for any access group in the system and "Can View" for at least one access group on the class. If you "Can Edit" any of the access groups the class belongs to, the copy will have those groups. If you do not have "Can Edit" on any of the class' access groups, the copy will inherit your highest access group you can edit.

  1. Complete the following information to identify and describe the class:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the class.

System Name

Enter a unique, shorter name that identifies the class in queries, reporting views, field codes, and other places in Accolade.

The name must be unique among classes and can contain only letters (English alphabet), numbers, and the underscore.

Process Type

Select the type of process that models created using this class follow:

  • Gated - A model that follows the Phase Gate process, including one or more sets of stages and gates.
  • Non-Gated - A model that includes one stage but no gates. Non-gated models are useful as static placeholders and information storage locations in larger systems.
  • Idea - The model used for idea submissions. Idea models, like gated models, can contain one or more sets of stages and gates.

The Idea option is only available if your company uses the optional Idea Submission or Ideation components.

Note that this selection cannot be changed once the class is created.


Select the icon that projects based on this class use.

Icons help provide a visual indication of the class type where projects are listed, including the My Work and other similar pages.


Enter a description of the purpose or nature of the class. This description helps others identify the class throughout the system.


Enter a number to specify the class’s place when it displays in a list of classes.

Lower numbered classes display higher in the list.

  1. Select the Active check box when the class is ready to use in process models.
  2. Select the Is portfolio check box to allow projects that use this model to be a parent project in a collection of projects, called a portfolio.

Selecting this option displays the Portfolio page within projects, which lists projects that are linked using the Member Of link type. See Creating Project Link Types for more information on using project links.

  1. Select the Enable email notifications check box to send notifications by default via email about events in projects that use models that are based in this class.
  2. Click Create to create the new class or Apply to save changes to an existing class.
  3. (Optional) After you create the class, continue with one or more of the following steps to complete the class setup:


  • To delete a class, display the class and ensure the Active check box is cleared. Click Delete. If you delete a class that is used by one or more security profiles, users with those profiles no longer have access rights to projects that use models assigned to that class.
  • Newly created classes are automatically added to the classes available in the Child Relationship link type if all classes are set as available for that link type. However, if other link types include all classes, a newly created class is not automatically added. Update the link type to include the class, as needed.
  • If you delete a class used in Accolade Innovation Planning and Roadmapping, any planning element type based on that class is also deleted and planning elements that use that type are removed from the planning board and all planning views. However, models and projects based on that class are not deleted.
  • Resource Planning, Time Tracking, Portfolio Optimizer, Innovation Planning and Roadmapping are optional Accolade components that you may not have access to. To implement these solutions, contact Sopheon Customer Support.