Importing and Exporting Security Profiles

Accolade provides Administrators and Process Designers the ability to export security profiles from one Accolade environment and import it into another Accolade environment. For example, your company may have a test environment set up during your implementation, or you may have company branches that are new to Accolade that are hosted in a separate environment. Instead of having to recreate security profiles in each environment, download the information and import it into the new environment.

The download exports the security profiles configuration into a spreadsheet file with the information grouped into the following tabs within the file:

To export security profiles:

  1. From the System menu, select System > Security Profiles.
  2. Select the security profiles you want to download.

To narrow the list by category, select a category to display in the Category list. To download all security profiles, select All.

  1. Click Download in the top right corner of the page.

By default, the file exports automatically to a temporary internet files directory. Save it to a more accessible location.

To import security profiles into Accolade:

  1. Ensure the data within the spreadsheet meets the requirements for a successful import.
  2. Remove any security profiles that you do not want to include in the upload from the spreadsheet and save the file.
  3. From the System menu, select System > Security Profiles.
  4. Click Upload in the top right corner of the page.

Accolade uploads the changes to the security profiles in the spreadsheet, and adds any new security profiles with unique system names.

  1. (Optional) Click Print to print the import results for your records.

Security Profiles Settings Included in the Spreadsheet File

The columns in the downloaded spreadsheet include the settings for each security profile in the order listed below. For a description of each security profile setting, see Creating Security Profiles.

Important! Using the import and export tools to update configuration can result in unintended changes if information is missing or creates an error during the import process. Sopheon recommends reviewing Importing and Exporting Configuration Components Best Practices before making changes in a production environment.