Importing and Exporting Accolade Charts
Accolade provides Administrators and Process Designers the ability to export charts settings and configuration from one Accolade environment and import them into another Accolade environment. For example, your company may have separate test and production environments or company branches hosted in separate Accolade instances. Instead of having to recreate online charts in each environment, download the information and import into a different environment.
The download exports the chart configuration into a spreadsheet file with the information grouped into the following tabs within the file:
- General Settings
- Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Grouped Bar Chart
- Stacked Bar Chart
- Radar Chart
- Line Chart by Columns Chart
- Line Chart Trends Chart
- Access Groups
- Cycles
To export chart settings:
- From the System menu, select Content Source > Charts & Reports Manager.
- Select the charts and reports that you want to download.
To narrow the list by chart name or system name, add the criteria to filter by in the appropriate filter text box. These filters are case insensitive.
To narrow the list by category, select a category to display in the Category list. To download all charts and reports, select All.
- Click Download in the top right corner of the page.
Accolade downloads all configured charts and reports in four separate spreadsheet files within a zip file, and saves it to a temporary internet files directory. Charts settings are downloaded to a workbook titled CHART_Workbook.xlsx and reports are downloaded separately in a workbook titled RPT_Workbook.xlsx. Save the file to a more accessible location.
Note: Only components to which you have view and/or edit configuration access group rights will download. Components you can only view may be included in the file, but you can only upload changes to areas to which you have explicit edit permission.
To import chart settings into Accolade:
Important! In order to successfully import a chart, the report source the chart is built upon must exist in the environment prior to upload.
- Ensure the data within the spreadsheet meets the requirements for a successful import.
- Remove any charts that you do not want to include in the upload from the spreadsheet and save the file.
- From the System menu, select Content Source > Charts & Reports Manager.
- Click Upload in the top right corner of the page.
- Click Load File and select the spreadsheet file to load. The file name must be prefixed with 'CHART_' in order to successfully upload.
- Click Upload File.
Accolade uploads the changes to the existing charts in the spreadsheet, and adds any new charts with unique system names.
- (Optional) Click Print to print the import results for your records.
Note: Components that are imported are subject to group configuration rules. The user may assign components in a way that the configuration access groups are not consistent. This behavior is not allowed in the UI, and mismatches in either the user's access rights or the component's access group restrictions may result in warning or error messages during the upload, and may result in an incomplete upload.
Chart Settings Included in the Spreadsheet File
The columns in the downloaded spreadsheet include the settings for each chart in the order listed below. For a description of each chart setting, see the individual chart topic links in
Important! Using the import and export tools to update configuration can result in unintended changes if information is missing or creates an error during the import process. Sopheon recommends reviewing
General Settings
The General Settings worksheet contains the settings for all charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific chart configuration fields upon chart creation.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Chart Type
Sopheon.Accolade.Models.Domain.Charts.RadarChartIf blank, the chart does not upload.
Report Source
Valid online report system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Title
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Alphanumeric characters
If a new, unique category name exists in the file when uploaded, a new category is created.
If left blank, the chart is placed in the Default category.
Can be blank.
Valid user system ID
Use the format (domain)\(user name) without the parentheses. Separate each additional owner with a pipe ( | ) character.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Valid Accolade user role
Separate each role with a pipe ( | ) character.
Can be blank.
Available to Charts & Reports
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Available to Configuration
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Bar Chart
The Bar Chart worksheet contains the settings for the bar charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific bar chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Grouping Axis Label
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Valid report column system name
If blank the chart does not upload.
Display Bar Axis Label
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Show Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Display Type
HorizontalIf blank, the value defaults to Vertical on upload.
Rotate Horizontal Axis Text
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
Target Line Report Source
Valid online report system name
Can be blank.
Target Line Report Key
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Target Line Report Value
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Number Format Horizontal Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Number Format Bars
$#,###;($#,###)Indicates how values within the chart are displayed.
If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Display Totals
HorizontalCan be blank.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Pie Chart
The Pie Chart worksheet contains the settings for the pie charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific pie chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Slice Represents
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Slice Size
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Slice Name
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Slice Value
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Slice Percentage
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Number Format
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Bubble Chart
The Bubble Chart worksheet contains the settings for the bubble charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific bubble chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Horizontal Axis
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Horizontal Axis Label
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Show Horizontal Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Rotate Horizontal Axis Text
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Horizontal Axis Scale
CustomIf blank, defaults to Automatic.
Horizontal Axis Range Min
Any number
If Horizontal Axis Scale is defined as Custom, enter a value for the chart range minimum value.
Otherwise leave blank.
Horizontal Axis Range Max
Any number
If Horizontal Axis Scale is defined as Custom, enter a value for the chart range maximum value.
Otherwise leave blank.
Vertical Axis
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Vertical Axis Label
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Show Vertical Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Vertical Axis Scale
CustomIf blank, defaults to Automatic.
Vertical Axis Range Min
Any number
If Vertical Axis Scale is defined as Custom, enter a value for the chart range minimum value.
Otherwise leave blank.
Vertical Axis Range Max
Any number
If Vertical Axis Scale is defined as Custom, enter a value for the chart range maximum value.
Otherwise leave blank.
Bubble Size
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Bubble Represents
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Bubble Color
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Bubble Opacity
0.9If blank, the chart does not upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5
All the same colorIf blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
Number Format Horizontal Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Number Format Vertical Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Number Format Bubble Size
$#,###;($#,###)Indicates how values within the bubble's tooltips are displayed.
If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Grouped Bar Chart
The Grouped Bar Chart worksheet contains the settings for the grouped bar charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific grouped bar chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Horizontal Column
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Grouping Label Horizontal
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Valid report column system name
Separate each additional bar with a pipe ( | ) character.
If Vertical Column has a value, then only one bar segment allowed.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Bar Axis Units
Can be blank.
Display Type
HorizontalIf blank, the value defaults to Vertical on upload.
Rotate Horizontal Axis Text
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Number Format Bars
$#,###;($#,###)Indicates how values within the chart are displayed.
If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
Target Line Report Source
Valid online report system name
Can be blank.
Target Line Report Key
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Target Line Report Value
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Vertical Column
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Display Grouping Label Vertical
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
Can be blank.
Number Format Horizontal Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Number Format Vertical Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Stacked Bar Chart
The Stacked Bar Chart worksheet contains the settings for the stacked bar charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific stacked bar chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Horizontal Column
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Axis Label Horizontal
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Bar Segments
Valid report column system name
Separate each bar with a pipe ( | ) character.
If Vertical Column has a value, then only one bar segment allowed.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Stacked to 100%
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Display Totals
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Bar Axis Units
Can be blank.
Display Type
HorizontalIf blank, the value defaults to Vertical on upload.
Rotate Horizontal Axis Text
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Number Format Bars
$#,###;($#,###)Indicates how values within the chart are displayed.
If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
Target Line Report Source
Valid online report system name
Can be blank.
Target Line Report Key
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Target Line Report Value
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Vertical Column
Valid report column system name
Can be blank.
Display Axis Label Vertical
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
Can be blank.
Number Format Horizontal Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Number Format Vertical Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Radar Chart
The Radar Chart worksheet contains the settings for the radar charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific radar chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Valid report column system name
Separate each spoke with a pipe ( | ) character.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Spoke Axis Scale
CustomIf blank, defaults to Automatic.
Spoke Axis Range Min
Any number
If Spoke Axis Scale is defined as Custom, enter a value for the chart range minimum value.
Otherwise leave blank.
Spoke Axis Range Max
Any number
If Spoke Axis Scale is defined as Custom, enter a value for the chart range maximum value.
Otherwise leave blank.
Number Format
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Lines Only
Lines and Fill
Fill OnlyIf blank, the value defaults to Lines Only on upload.
1If Lines Only is selected as the style, set the opacity to 1 on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Line Chart by Columns Chart
The Line Chart by Columns Chart worksheet contains the settings for the line charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific line chart by columns chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Horizontal Axis Title
Alphanumeric characters
Can be blank.
Show Horizontal Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Valid report column system name
Separate column names using a pipe ( | ) character.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Vertical Axis Title
Alphanumeric characters
Can be blank.
Show Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Rotate Horizontal Axis Text
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Display Point Marker
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Lines Only
Lines and Fill
Fill OnlyIf blank, the value defaults to Lines Only on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
Number Format Horizontal Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Number Format Vertical Axis
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Line Chart Trends Chart
The Line Chart Trends Chart worksheet contains the settings for the line series charts being imported. The columns correlate to the specific line chart trends chart configuration fields.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching in the upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new chart is created.
Horizontal Axis Label
Alphanumeric characters
Can be blank.
Rotate Horizontal Axis Text
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Show Horizontal Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Start at Zero
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Horizontal Number Format
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Horizontal Axis Columns
Valid report column system name
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Vertical Axis Label
Alphanumeric characters
Can be blank.
Show Vertical Grid Lines
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Vertical Number Format
$#,###;($#,###)If blank, the value defaults to #;(#) on upload.
Vertical Axis Columns
Valid report column system name
Separate column names using a pipe ( | ) character.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Group By Columns
Valid report column system name
Separate column names using a pipe ( | ) character.
If blank, the chart does not upload.
Display Point Marker
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Line Style
Lines Only
Lines and Fill
Fill OnlyIf blank, the value defaults to Lines Only on upload.
LeftIf blank, the value defaults to None on upload.
Color Theme
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 3
Theme 4
Theme 5If blank, the value defaults to Theme 1 on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Access Groups
The Access Groups worksheet includes the access groups for the charts being uploaded or downloaded.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes Chart System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Access Group
Valid access group system name
Include a separate row for each access group.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
The Cycles worksheet includes the chart cycles for the charts being uploaded or downloaded. The columns correlate to specific chart types to cycle through.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes Chart System Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
Used for matching for upload.
If a chart exists, its settings are referenced in the uploaded file.
If blank, no cycles upload.
Chart Type
Sopheon.Accolade.Models.Domain.Charts.StackedBarChartIf blank, the referenced chart does not upload.
References columns in the charts that are designated as a cycle.
Used for matching for upload.
If chart settings exist, the referenced chart is in the upload file.
If blank, no cycles upload.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
- Importing and Exporting Access Groups
- Importing and Exporting Accolade Charts
- Importing and Exporting Accolade Online Reports
- Importing and Exporting Classes
- Importing and Exporting Configuration Components Best Practices
- Importing and Exporting Configuration Components Overview
- Importing and Exporting Extended Fields
- Importing and Exporting Functional Areas and Functions
- Importing and Exporting Global Links
- Importing and Exporting HTML Reports
- Importing and Exporting Layouts
- Importing and Exporting Matrices
- Importing and Exporting Migration Maps
- Importing and Exporting MS Excel Reports
- Importing and Exporting Parameters
- Importing and Exporting Process Models
- Importing and Exporting Project Link Types
- Importing and Exporting Queries
- Importing and Exporting Quick Grids
- Importing and Exporting Quick Grids
- Importing and Exporting Reference Tables
- Importing and Exporting Security Profiles
- Importing and Exporting Templates
- Importing and Exporting Workflows