Charts and Reports Overview
Reporting in Accolade provides a means to summarize and analyze project and other data within your database in a format and manner that is most applicable to your organization and data needs. Reports can range from user login attempts to much more complicated charts and reports used to analyze projects and completion efficiency or financial information. The Charts & Reports page provides a single location for creating and viewing online reports and charts to which you have access. to look at the major classifications in a portfolio.
Report Formats
Reports in Accolade can exist in the following formats:
- Accolade Online Reports - Online reports created within Accolade are built and viewable directly within the application without having to write a SQL query. These reports provide an on-demand reporting experience and can be used for the creation of Accolade charts. The ability to create and modify online reports is available to any Accolade user assigned All Reporting Rights, and anyone with Refresh Workbook Data rights can view these reports. These reports can be added to the Charts & Reports page within Accolade, and can be added to a pod within a layout in order to view them in projects.
- HTML Reports - HTML reports can be built using a single SQL query to gather data from the database, and display as a table in a secondary browser window. This format has no additional formatting available, so can be useful for simplistic reports, for example, to determine where process models are being used or to review user access history. HTML reports are also available for users to send or receive via email. These reports can be added to the Configuration > Charts & Reports tab within Accolade and can be added to a process model for availability in a project.
- MS Excel Reports - MS Excel reports are built and viewable in Excel, provide flexibility in formatting, and are created using the Accolade Office Extensions add-in application. The add-in provides an interface to create a data report based on Accolade data. You can also create Excel reports using a template and the Accolade query infrastructure, creating reports based on data pulled into the spreadsheet using queries. These reports can be added to the Configuration > Charts & Reports tab within Accolade and can be added to a process model for availability within a project.
Each report type can contain the same data. The report type you choose to build depends on where the report needs to display within Accolade, the means you want to use to build the report, and the amount of formatting required to make the data within the report useful when viewing.
Report Access
Anyone in your organization can design a report, and anyone with All Reporting Rights can create and save an online report. However, only Administrators and Process Designers can create MS Excel or HTML reports, or set online reports as available for all users to view within Accolade. Only Process Designers can associate a report with a process model to display within a project.
Users must have either Refresh Workbook Data or All Reporting Rights for access to view shared reports in the Charts & Reports page and through the projects to which they have access. If the report is restricted by role and/or by access group, users must have a system user role that matches the report and/or be assigned to an access group that matches the report.
Additional rights are required to create and refresh report data using the Accolade Office Extensions add-in.
Chart Formats
Charts in Accolade can be created using an Accolade online report as a source, and can exist in the following formats:
- Bar charts
- Grouped bar charts
- Stacked bar charts
- Bubble charts
- Line Chart by Columns charts
- Line Chart Trends charts
- Pie charts
- Radar charts
- Unknown or custom charts
The chart type you choose to build depends on the data to be displayed, so it is important to select appropriate data types to render a meaningful chart. to view the different charts.
Charts Access
Using Accolade online report data, users with All Reporting Rights can create charts on the Charts & Reports page. Administrators and Process Designers can set charts as available for sharing with other users, and can add a chart to a pod within a layout to display on a project page or as a global link.
Users must have either Refresh Workbook Data or All Reporting Rights for access to view shared charts in the Charts & Reports page and through the projects to which they have access. If the chart is restricted by role and/or by access group, users must have a system user role that matches the chart and/or be assigned to an access group that matches the chart.
See the following to get started:
- Viewing Charts and Reports in Accolade
- Creating Charts from Report Data Overview
- Design Charts and Reports Overview