Classes to Group Process Models Overview
Classes set some features of projects based on process models that use the class, such as whether the project is available on the My Work page. Each project's basic framework at creation is a combination of the class characteristics and the process model that uses the class.
The primary difference between classes is the process model type:
- Gated - A model that follows the Phase Gate process, including one or more sets of stages and gates.
- Non-Gated - A model that includes one stage but no gates. Non-gated models are useful as static place-holders and information storage locations in larger systems.
- Idea - A model used for idea submissions. Idea models, like Gated models, can contain one or more sets of stages and gates.
The accessibility of models can be affected by the access groups of the class it was created from in the following ways:
- If a user does not have view access to a class, they do not have view access for models created from that class.
- Models cannot be copied in UI if the class is read only for the user.
- In the model editor page, only classes that the user has edit access and have equal or higher access groups to the model will be displayed.
See the following to get started: