Available Pod Types

Page layouts can contain one or more pods to display information. Each pod can contain a single element, such as one metric, one global link, or one image. Review the following information about the types of pods available and their potential uses.

For information about adding pods to a layout, see Creating Page Layouts.

Pod Type


Advanced Platform

Adds a pod to save JavaScript and HTML files to execute functions and features in a layout at a global or project level.

The editor options will not display until the pod is added to the layout and the layout is saved.

To add or write a JavaScript file or HTML file select from the following options:

  • To add an existing file - Click Edit Pencil Icon to open the editor dialog and click Upload Icon to upload the desired HTML or JavaScript file. Click Open to add the file.
  • To edit an existing file or create a new file - Click Edit Pencil Icon to open the JavaScript editor, write or update the code for the file directly in the editor, and click Save or Save and Close.

ClickWebAPI Help Icon in the editor to launch the WebAPI help.

Click Grey Delete Icon to delete the JavaScript file or HTML file. Selecting a different pod type will remove JavaScript and HTML files. Download and save the files before making changes to the pod.

Note:  If Available to Mobile is checked on the layout settings, the Advanced Platform pod will not be available for selection in the pod type drop-down.


Adds a button to a layout, such as a button within a portfolio that can be clicked to directly create a new project or project links.

Enter the name of the button in the Button Text field when creating the pod.

Select from the following options:

  • Add New - Creates a button that, when added to a global or project page layout, can be clicked to create projects and/or project links directly from the page. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select a process model and process links as necessary. Note that project links cannot be created for pods used on a global layout.

Multiple Add New pods can be used on a layout, each with different combinations of process models and link types.

  • Create Child Project - Creates a button that, when added to a project page layout, can be clicked to create a new project directly from the page.

Note:  The Create Child Project button is part of Ideation. Ideation is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.

The ability to add a new project using the Add New or Create Child Project button on a project page requires Add Project rights for the default access group (if one is assigned) or for the parent project's access group (if there is no default access group specified).


Adds a pod that contains a chart created using Accolade. Charts are visual representations of the data within a report.

In order to add a chart to a pod, the chart must be set as Available to Configuration and the chart access groups must match at least one access group of the layout. Additionally, Process Designers must have "Can Edit" on at least one of the matching access group permissions in order for the chart to be available for them to use in the layout.

Viewing a chart's contents within a page layout does not require Reporting Rights; however, a user must be an owner or have at least one matching user role for the chart to display.


Adds a pod that contains document types pertaining to a single project when the layout is included as a page within a project.

The Gate Documents selection includes a pod that contains gate documents that display on a project. Gate owners and those with appropriate editing rights can upload and download versions, download and edit the associated template, and select which version to publish. If a layout containing a gate documents pod is assigned to a specific gate, the associated gate documents display. If the layout containing the gate documents pod displays as a project page, the gate documents specific to the current project gate display. See Completing Gate Documents for more information.

Note:  These pods are not available for selection if the Create global link option for the layout is selected.


Adds a pod that contains gate information and capabilities for users on project teams.

Note:  These pods are not available for selection if the Create global link option for the layout is selected.

Select from the following options:

  • Gate Readiness - Provides a graphic that indicates the health of a project stage, to help determine at a glance how ready the project for an upcoming gate meeting. The pod includes the how many days until the next gate meeting and a status of the assignments with the current stage. Deliverables and activities are grouped together and considered "assignments" in this pod, and any item set to Not Required in the project is not included in the calculations. Deliverables set to In Trouble and Not Started are represented by a red and grey pie slice respectively.
  • Gatekeepers - Provides a place for various gate-specific information to be displayed. Gate owners can manage and update gatekeeper assignments as necessary from this pod. Additionally, gatekeepers can vote on gate decisions if gate voting is enabled, and can add or update comments regarding gate decisions. Gatekeeper votes and comments display as read only for others on the team. If gatekeeper skipping is allowed for the gate, gate owners can skip any gatekeeper vote decision. See Voting on Gate Decisions for more information.
  • Meeting Dates - Adds a pod that displays meeting information for a project. Gate names display with the meeting date below it. Users with rights to change gate dates such as Process Manager, Idea Managers, or Project Managers can edit meeting dates directly in the pod. All users on a project can see meeting information centrally located in this pod. Additionally, the gate name takes users to the corresponding gate page when clicked. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to set the number of columns the meeting information displays. The pod information wraps from left to right across the pod to populate the columns set. Meeting date calculation settings and restrictions still apply.


Global Links

Adds a pod that displays the content of a global link, such as an intranet page, a Dashboards for Accolade report, or a planning view from Innovation Planning.

Based on your server setup, only defined http, https, and relative file global links are available to add to a pod.

Important! Accolade respects web browser and web page security features for embedded global links. The linked web page may include certain security settings that prevent the web page from loading within the Accolade application window.

If you select an Innovation Planning view defined as a global link to display in a pod, and the layout is intended for use within a project page, select the Filter to project option to display the view filtered to the project ID saved as part of the global link configuration. See Adding Planning Views as Global Links for more information.

Note:  The filter functionality does not apply to composite planning views.

HTML Report

Adds a pod that displays the content of a specified HTML report. Available HTML reports display in the Content field.

In order to add an HTML report to a pod, the report access groups must match at least one access group of the layout. Additionally, Process Designers must have "Can Edit" on at least one of the matching access group permissions in order for the report to be available for them to use in the layout.

Viewing a report's contents within a page layout does not require Reporting Rights, however, a user must be an owner or have at least one matching user role for the report to display.


Adds a pod that can contain a single metric and displays the currently assigned metric value.

Metrics within pods display as read-only.

To include the metric's name, add the name as the title of the pod.

Important! Long string metrics with the Rich Text check box enabled cannot be added to pods.

Planning View

Adds a pod that displays a planning view from Innovation Planning in read-only format to any user who does not have the Planner role.

Click Advanced Settings Icon when creating the pod to define the planning navigation options that are displayed within the pod.

Only planning views made public will display in the content drop-down for the pod. If the layout is intended for use within a project page, check the Filter to project option to display the view filtered to the project ID. The filter functionality does not apply to composite planning views.


Adds a pod that displays a configured plugin.

Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to set the properties, attributes, and default settings of the plugin.

Portfolio Optimization

Adds a pod that contains information typically used when creating layouts for portfolio optimization purposes.

The Projects Grid selection includes information for all projects in the loaded portfolio that a user has access to, and that are included in a class with the Include in Portfolio Optimizer option selected.

Click Advanced Settings Icon when creating the pod to define the default set of data columns that display in the pod.


Adds a pod that contains productivity-related elements to assist with managing projects and timelines.

Important! For pods that are used in the personalized home page layouts, Administrators and Process Designers with the Template Access role can make changes to home page layouts on a global level by clicking Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod, for example, to add company landing page hyperlinks to the Quick Links pod for all users, or to add additional information at a company level. Changes at an individual level should be made by the user from within their personal view. See Defining Your Home Page for more information.

Select from the following options:

  • Calendar - A pod that displays a calendar, allowing users to visually display important dates such as start and end dates for deliverables and activities, deadline dates for workflows, and project gate dates. Double-clicking on an event takes the user directly to the event details or applicable project page.
  • Countdown - A pod that allows users to display a countdown of days until the occurrence of an important date or event of their choosing. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to set the event name and date, and to select an image to display in the pod.
  • Quick Links - A pod that allows users to display a list of frequently used links to projects, websites, and other global links defined in Accolade. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select existing Accolade links, or to create customized links.
  • To-Do List - A pod that allows users to create individualized worklists by adding tasks to a personalized list, in order to keep track of their tasks and check off items as they are completed.
  • Work - A pod that allows users to display detailed card views of deliverables and activities, gates, ideas, project work, or workflows associated with their project. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to specify the default information that is displayed, apply filters, and set the desired sorting. When the pod is displayed on a project, users can click to apply their own view, filter, and sort options.

Adding the Work pod to a project displays information for just that project. The Work pod also displays on the Comprehensive and Focused home page layouts, the My Work page, and the Upcoming Gates page where it provides users with a view of everything assigned to them throughout Accolade. For more information, see Viewing Your Work.


Project Image

Adds a pod that is populated with the project's assigned main image or the thumbnail image, based on your selection.

Project Information

Adds a pod that contains information about a single project when the layout is included as a page within a project.

Note:  These pods are not available for selection if the Create global link option for the layout is selected.

Select from the following options:

  • Data Form - Provides a place to show and edit project metadata and metric information. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select the project metadata fields and metrics to include in the pod and define how many columns the pod contains. When the pod displays in a project, metric and metadata fields are editable based on a user's role and permissions within the project, unless the data is checked as read only. Long string metrics with the Rich Text check box enabled cannot be added.
  • Discussion - Includes a pod that includes the Accolade discussions functionality, providing contributors to discuss ideas directly on the page.
  • Links - Provides a pod which supports adding and removing links. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to indicate the Link Name, Process Models and filters used to identify the linkable items to be presented to the user, as well as the button text and a tooltip. When used, the pod shows any items already linked, and allows the user to select new items to be linked, as well as offering the possibility to remove links. Only items matching the filters set by the Process Designer are shown to the user. If desired, you can indicate that filters may be changed at runtime by the user.
  • Portfolio Project List - Includes a list of all projects that are part of a portfolio or campaign.
  • Project History - Provides a place to view a project's history including a fixed list of events recorded as users make changes on the project. Users with access to the project have access to the project history. Project history includes, but is not limited to, gate decisions, status reports, stage advancement, and currency updates. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select filter criteria determining what displays on the pod. Only project history meeting the filter criteria displays on the pod. Users on projects can still filter project history when the layout displays on a project page, but they cannot save their filter preferences when filters are set on the pod configuration.
  • Project Status - Provides a place to show and enter status reports for the project. The pod also provides a link to view the project status history. To allow the entry of new project status reports, select the Use master buttons option on the layout that contains the pod. If the master buttons are not included, the content of the project status pod displays as read only.

When the pod displays in a project, the ability to add a project status is based on the user's roles and status permissions on the project team. Metrics are editable based on the metric's presentation settings for Status Report within the process model. See Associating Metrics to Process Models for more information.

  • Report List - Provides a list of available reports to add to the pod. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select the reports list that displays. See Associating Charts and Reports to Process Models for more information.
  • Security List - Provides a place to display and edit defined security lists. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select the security list that displays. Only one security list can be selected to display in a pod. Users with certain management rights and allowed access can modify the security list when the layout displays on a project. Additionally, users can only modify levels of a given security list to which they have access. Other levels of the security list display as read only in the pod. See Security Lists Overview for more information.
  • Team - Provides a place to display users assigned to projects including project manager or team leader, project team members, workflow action owners, and gatekeepers. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod and select Project Team, Workflow Action Owners, or Gatekeepers. Only one group of users can be selected to display per pod. See Project Teams for more information.

If the Enable User Profile Images is disabled, the Detail View becomes the default view. Click Detail Team View Icon and Simple Team View Icon in the top left corner of the rendered pod to toggle between simple and detail views.

  • Time View - Provides a place to visually view all the work, including deliverables, activities and gates for the entire project over the course of time.
  • Trended Number Metrics - Provides a way to display trended metric data in a pod with a layout. Pod settings provide options to set metrics and trended metric dates that display in a table. For portfolios, number metrics with Track History turned on are trended for projects linked with hierarchy relationships. Differentials between numeric metric values are calculated and displayed in number and graphic format. Table data displays in a Line Chart Trends chart. The table and chart can be included in a PowerPoint template, and is included when downloading and refreshing the presentation.
  • Trended Metrics Table - Provides a way to see metric changes over time. Metric values display for each selected metric for each project in the portfolio or for the displayed project. This can be helpful for viewing trends in a portfolio to help identify problems and track the health of a project.
  • Word Cloud - Provides a graphic that surfaces keywords from the name and description of the project and all the projects contained within a parent project. Each word displayed in the graphic is linkable to Quick Search to display project results containing the keyword. Use this pod in idea campaigns to provide visual interest and a way to display trending terms in ideas submitted to the campaign. Words appearing more often are larger and more prominent. The words in the pod display in variants of pods content font color.


Quick Grids

Adds a pod that contains a quick grid assigned to a project.

Only active quick grids are available to add to a pod. Process Managers and Idea Managers with Manage Process rights, and a project's assigned Project Manager, have access to enter data in a quick grid within a pod displayed within a layout-generated page in a project. Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to enable Read Only Quick Grid. Quick grids set as read only can not be edited.

Note:  Matrix quick grids added to a pod do not contain filtering options at this time.


Adds a pod that contains an Accolade online report.

In order to add a report to a pod, the report must be set as Available to Configuration and the report access groups must match at least one access group of the layout. Additionally, Process Designers must have "Can Edit" on at least one of the matching access group permissions in order for the report to be available for them to use in the layout.

Viewing a report's contents within a page layout does not require Reporting Rights; however, a user must be an owner or have at least one matching user role for the report to display.

Configure additional settings available for report pods including a download option and page size.

Report Groups

Adds a pod that contains the content settings for a comparison view layout.

Click Advanced Settings Icon when defining the pod to select the reports and charts available to a comparison view page layout.

Note:  The report groups pod is created as a part of creating a comparison view page layout, and is not independently available at this time.

Task Board

Adds a pod that displays a project's current stage's task board. This task board categorizes all deliverables and activities into columns with respect to their current statuses, namely “Not Started”, “In Progress” or “Completed”, allowing you to follow the progress of each deliverable and activity more efficiently, and easily move them between statuses. With this task board, team members get a visual representation of their work in a more collaborative view, and are able to identify bottlenecks quicker.

Template Image

Adds a pod that displays an image saved to the Template Library (with a template type of Image).

To add a new image select Add New from the Content list. Items added here are also added to the Template Library.


Adds a voting mechanism, where users can make a selection between 0.5 and 5 (in half star increments) to rate the project or idea.

Add a voting pod when creating layouts for ideas submitted from an idea campaign to gather feedback from other users about submitted ideas. Votes are recorded in a system-generated matrix for the project, which managers can use in quick grids or through reporting to evaluate the votes cast for a project, concept, or idea.

Note:  The voting pod is part of Ideation. Ideation is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support.