Assigning Role Conditions to Project Pages

Within a project, you may want to restrict visibility to a project page based on a user's assigned Accolade roles. For example, you may have a layout that display information that is pertinent to Executives or Gatekeepers who are making decisions about the course of a project, but that information should not be displayed for other team members. Process Designers can apply roles requirements at the process model level to any custom project page layout.

To add a role restriction to a project page layout:

  1. From the Process menu, select Models and create a gated, non-gated, or an idea model, or select the model to edit.
  2. Click the Pages tab and navigate to the Pages & Layouts section.

The current list of available project page layouts is displayed. All custom project page layouts that can be restricted appear with any applied role restrictions and condition rules.

  1. Locate the project page layout you wish to apply the roles restriction to. In the Roles column, click the displayed list of roles.
  2. In the Edit Roles dialog box, select the roles the project page layout will be available to when viewed within a project based on this process model.

By default, a project page layout is assigned as available for all roles.

  1. Click Done to add the role restrictions.

The selected roles will display in the Roles column for the selected project page layout.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • To edit an existing role restriction, click the displayed list of roles and make changes as necessary. To remove the restriction and make the project page layout visible for all users, select all roles in the list.
  • Role restrictions cannot be applied to a project page layout that is selected as the landing page for projects based on the process model.