Automating Projects Using Metrics in Process Models
Process Designers can configure a process model to automate portions of a project using metrics. These automation settings apply to any projects created using the model in which they are set, regardless of how the project is created.
- Access Group Assignment
- Project ID
- Project Name
- Default Project Manager
- Gate Dates
- Gate Decisions
- Restricted Go and Conditional Go Gate Decisions
Access Group Assignment
To automate a project's access group assignment, Process Designers can select to assign a metric in the process model that determines the access group assignment based on the metric's value. The metric that determines the access group selection can be a string, long string, or list type metric.
For example, you may have projects that require tighter security restrictions at their conception stage. As the project is worked and additional staff is required to complete work, such as engineering and marketing staff, the project security requirements may change and may not be as restrictive. Or, you may define security restrictions around monetary value of project.
For these types of projects, create a calculated metric that sets the access group name, such as the following:
- If({*MD:ProjectCurrentStageName*} = 'Market Launch', 'Public', 'Confidential')
This metric sets the access group to Public if the current stage is named Market Launch. If the project is any other stage, the access group is set to Confidential.
- If({*METRIC:NPV*}>= 10000, 'Market Release', 'Restricted Access')
This metric sets the access group to Market Release if the value of the NPV metric is greater than or equal to 10000. If less than 10000, the access group is set to Restricted Access.
If a metric is used at the model level to set the access group assignment, the access group is set to read only within the project and updates as the metric recalculates.
To assign the access group using a metric in the model:
- Create a gated or non-gated model, or an idea model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- In the Access Group Metric field, select the metric that determines the access group assignment.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Project ID
To automate the assignment of a project's ID, Process Designers can select to assign a metric in the process model that determines the ID of the project. The metric that determines the project ID is typically a calculated metric, but can be a standard metric.
Note: If the Auto-Generate Project IDs system parameter is enabled, Accolade generates a numeric, sequential project ID for each project. If the parameter is enabled, the option to use a metric at the process model level is not available.
For example, your company may have standards for project IDs that require the same components for similar projects. In addition, setting a project ID to a metric value can automate updating a project ID as it moves through levels of required confidentiality or moves to a different business unit within the company.
For example, create a calculated metric called AutoProjectID that contains the following expression:
Concatenate({*METRIC:BU*},'-', {*METRIC:Year*},'-', {*MD:Brand*})
This metric creates a project ID that contains the assigned Business Unit, Brand, and user entered project name. For example, Snacks-2017-OnTheGo.
Note: If the metric's calculation returns no value, the project ID is set to the system project ID.
To assign a metric to define the project ID:
- Create a gated or non-gated model, or an idea model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- In the Project ID Metric field, select the metric that determines the project ID.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Project Name
To automate the assignment of a project's name, Process Designers can select to assign a metric in the process model that determines the name of the project. The metric that determines the project name is typically a calculated metric resulting in a string value.
For example, your company may have standards for project names that require the same components for similar projects. In addition, setting a project name to a metric value can automate the update of a project name as it moves through levels of required confidentiality or moves to a different business unit within the company.
For example, create a calculated metric called AutoProjectName that contains the following expression:
Concatenate({*METRIC:BU*},'-', {*METRIC:Brand*},'-', {*MD:ProjectID*})
This metric creates a project name that contains the assigned Business Unit, Brand, and user entered project ID. For example, Snacks-On the Go-15978.
Note: If the metric's calculation returns no value, the project name is set to the class name.
To assign a metric to define the project name:
- Create a gated or non-gated model, or an idea model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- In the Project Name Metric field, select the metric that determines the project name.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Default Project Manager
Process Designers can select to assign a specific Accolade user that is assigned as the project manager when a project that uses the model is created, or can select to assign a user based on either a string or number metric value. Using a metric enables automatic routing of ideas, concepts, and projects to the correct business leader based on criteria for the project such as business area, product line, or geographic location.
Ensure the metric selections assigned to the model are editable on project creation, and that the metric that selects the Project Manager is set to Not Show within the project.
For example, your company uses one process model to manage their global projects.
To automatically route newly created projects to different managers based on a geographic selection, set up two metrics:
- A cascading list that is available at project selection to select the country, state or province, and the city when creating a project or submitting an idea.
- A calculated metric using one of the following methods that defines the user who is set as the manager for each city:
- Using a number metric:
The following calculated metric sets the default project manager to the user whose ID is 3 if Paris is selected as the city when the project is created, and to the user whose ID is the original creator of the project if Paris is not selected.
if({*METRIC:city*}='Paris', 3, ProjectCreatedByID())
- Using a string metric:
Run a report including the User Name and the System User ID columns to determine a user's ID within Accolade.
The following calculated metric sets the default project manager to the user whose Login Name is 'domain\admin user' if Paris is selected as the city when the project is created, and to the user whose User Name matches the Login Name if Paris is not selected.
if({*METRIC:city*}='Paris', 'domain\admin user', ('domain\\' + ProjectCreatedByName()))
Note: Process Managers with Manage Team rights can assign a different manager at the project-level after a project is created.
To assign the default project manager using a metric in the model:
- Create a gated or non-gated model, or an idea model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- In the Default Project Manager field, select the calculated metric.
Only metrics associated to the model are available for selection.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Gate Dates
To automate the assignment of a gate's date, Process Designers can select a date metric that sets the gate's date and therefore the meeting date. Any date metric can be selected to set the date. In addition, Process Designers can define a gate in a model to include a metric that defines the min and/or max date to restrict the gate date to on or before, on or after, or between a set of dates when the date is set through the process graphic in a project, the Gates page, or through the Project Gantt.
Gate dates can also be set using automated workflow steps to set the gate date when a workflow is completed.
To use a Date metric to set a gate date:
- Create a gated model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- Select the gate within the model that you want to modify.
- In the Set Gate Date field, select the date metric to use to set the gate date.
- In the Min Gate Date Metric and the Max Gate Date Metric fields, select the metric that sets the minimum and maximum dates that this gate can be set to through the process graphic in a project, the Gates page, or through the Project Gantt.
You can select a metric in either field, or in both fields to create an allowed date range.
The minimum and maximum settings do not apply to dates set through workflow automation, or if a metric is configured to set a gate date.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Gate Decisions
To automate gate decisions for each gate, Process Designers can define a set of conditions that must be met within a project to set each gate decision type. Automating gate decisions removes the need to manually enter the gate decision, or to configure gatekeeper voting. Accolade processes the decisions in the following order and sets the decision to the first one that matches the metrics assigned:
- Go
- Kill
- Hold
- Recycle
- Pending Decision
A Conditional Go decision cannot be set using an automated gate decision and event reasons are not captured for automated gate decisions.
Note: Workflows can also be configured to automatically set a gate decision using an automated step. Sopheon recommends using the Automated Gate Decision Rules settings within the process model or workflow automated steps to automate gate decisions, but not both.
Use this setting in conjunction with a metric that restricts Go decisions, as described in the section below.
To define conditions to set gate decisions:
- Create a gated model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- Select the gate within the model that you want to modify.
- In the Automated Gate Decision Rules field, for each gate decision listed, click the gate decision link and complete steps 5 to 7.
- Click
, select a metric to include as a condition, and click Select.
Use the Category and Search options to refine the list of metrics.
- For the added metric, select or enter the value the metric must meet within the project for the gate decision to be made.
If the project's metric setting does not meet this value, or the project does not include the metric, the gate decision is not set.
- Repeat step 5 to add additional conditions that must be met for the decision.
If multiple conditions are entered, all conditions must be met for the decision to be set.
To edit a condition, click to delete it and repeat step 5.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
Restricted Go and Conditional Go Gate Decisions
In addition to automating a gate decision, Process Designers can also define a set of conditions that must be met within a project for the Go or Conditional Go decision to be set. Setting a restriction here can help to ensure that certain deliverables, activities, and metrics are complete within a project or a set of portfolio projects before making a Go or Conditional Go decision that advances the project to the next stage. Restrictions only apply to Go or Conditional Go gate decisions.
Create the following metrics:
- One or more metrics to use as conditions in the model definition for the gate. When the metric calculates to match the defined condition value, the gate is set and the project moves to the next stage.
For example, if you have a parent project that is a container for a series of child projects, you can set a calculated metric as a condition that requires metric values in the child projects be set before the project can advance to the next stage.
- A String or Long String metric that explains the conditions required to set a Go or Conditional Go decision that displays when a gate owner sets the gate decision to Go or Conditional Go.
To restrict Go and Conditional Go gate decisions:
- Create a gated model.
- Ensure the metric is associated to the model.
- Select the gate within the model that you want to modify.
- In the Required Conditions for Go Decisions field, click Conditions.
- Click
, select a metric to include as a condition, and click Select.
Use the Category and Search options to refine the list of metrics.
- For the added metric, select or enter the value the metric must meet within the project for the for the gate decision to be made.
If the project's metric setting does not meet this value, or the project does not include the metric, the gate decision is not set.
- Click Apply to save your changes.
- Adding Dependencies to Process Models
- Adding Gates to Process Models
- Adding Stages to Process Models
- Creating Gated and Non-Gated Process Models
- Creating Idea Process Models
- Creating Process Models for Portfolio Projects
- Defining the Process Model Graphic
- How Changing Process Models Affects Open and Closed Projects
- Importing and Exporting Process Models
- Restricting Configuration for Process Models