Adding Software Controls and Metrics to Quick Grids

Note:  Users with the user roles listed to the right must also have the Template Access user role.

To create a new quick grid or to copy an existing grid, see Creating Quick Grids.

To add software controls and metrics to a quick grid:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > Quick Grids.
  2. Click the name of the quick grid to open it for editing.
  3. Click the Drag to Design tab in the left panel to display the data source options.
  4. Indicate the data type to populate the grid cell by selecting either Metric or Metadata in the Source Type field.
  5. If you selected Metric as the Source Type, select the appropriate metric category.

Metrics appear in the list if the user has "Can Edit" access to the metric, the metric belongs to a child access group of the quick grid, or the metric is already attached to the quick grid.

  1. To add metrics and metadata to the grid, do any of the following.
  • Type Ahead - Type metric and metadata field codes directly into the grid cell. A control defaults based on the metric or metadata. If the fast-entry input does not match a valid metadata or metric field code, the control defaults to formatted text. For a list of valid field codes, see Accolade Field Codes Reference.
  • Select a Control - Select a control type in the Properties tab on the right panel from the Type field. Data type details populate and vary based on the selected control type.
  1. Navigate to the Properties tab in the right panel and enter the following information to further define or modify the data or control in the selected cell. Only certain fields populate based on the control type selected.

For all control types, you must enter a unique system name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the cell across all grids in the Quick Grid editor.

Additionally, you can change the control for the selected cell from the Type field which includes both the supported and unsupported controls associated with the metric or metadata selected.

Note:  Use custom number formats to specify how a number metric displays in an Accolade field code in quick grid cells. Custom number formats only display for Text Box (number) controls.

Note:  Calculated metrics display as read-only within a quick grid. You cannot add matrix metrics to non-matrix grids and the number format for matrix metrics is not supported in Microsoft 365 applications.

  1. Click Save in the lower right corner of the page to save changes, Save and Close to save the configuration and close the editor, or Cancel to close the editor without saving changes.

To add a new metric while designing a new quick grid:

  1. Click New Metric located at the bottom of the Drag to Design tab.
  2. Fill in the necessary information to create a new metric. Click Help Icon in the right corner of the dialog to learn more about Creating Metrics.
  3. Click Create to add the new metric to the system. The new metric displays in the list of metrics available to add to the grid.
  4. Reference the table in Step 6 above to add the new metric to a quick grid.
  5. Click Save in the lower right corner of the page to save changes, Save and Close to save the configuration and close the editor, or Cancel to close the editor without saving changes.


  • To delete cell contents, click the cell and click Quick Grid Delete Cell Icon in the drop-down menu or click the cell and press Delete.
  • Metrics added to a quick grid do not need to be individually associated with the grid's model. They are automatically added to the model when the Process Designer adds the grid to a deliverable or activity within the model.
  • Controls within quick grids must have unique control system names when using multiple quick grids and JavaScript functions. If a quick grid contains duplicate control system names, the JavaScript function calls one at random and may not operate as intended.
  • The Enable Quick Grids Protected Mode parameter turns on and off grid protection. To modify a protected grid, an Administrator must set the parameter to 0.