Accolade Field Codes Reference

Use Accolade field codes and substitution tokens to pull data from Accolade into a document upon download or an online form upon open. For example, enter a code that represents the date of the next gate in project. When the document or online form is opened, the code is replaced with the date for the next gate as it is entered in the project, without having to manually update the information.

You can use field codes in documents, spreadsheets, and presentations (and in online forms, however, the format is different). Most Accolade fields also work in project-level reports.

The tables in the sections below contain the complete codes for the MD, CONFIG, IMAGE, REFTABLE, CHART, QUICK GRID, QUICK GRID ELEMENT, REPORT, POD, and FLAG sources, and their online form equivalents where applicable. Metrics use the metric system name as the code name and they can be unique to each company, so a list of complete codes is not provided for the METRIC source.

You can copy and paste codes from this topic directly into your documents or forms. To find the code you need, first identify the source of the data. For example, to add a piece of data from a project, you need metadata. From there, determine what type of document you are creating; deliverable, activity, or gate document. Narrowing down the source and subcategory within the source can help find the name of the item in the information below.

Metadata (MD)

Use the MD source to display metadata, additional data about the project or document that the code is in, such as the author's name. The following tables contain data relating to projects, deliverables, activities, and gates. Some codes are restricted as to the document type. Additionally, not all codes can be used in metric calculations. Use the code's equivalent function formula in calculations. See Calculated Metric Expressions Reference for a list of functions.

A code used in the wrong type of document does display any information when the document is refreshed.

Project Data Codes

File-Based Code Online Form Code Description
{*MD:AsOfDate*} *{AsOfDate}* When the data was last refreshed with the current data from the server.**
{*MD:ProjectName*} *{ProjectName}* The name of this document's project.**
{*MD:ProjectID*} *{ProjectID}* The user-created ID of this document's project.**
{*MD:SysProjectID*} *{SysProjectID}* The Accolade system ID number of this document's project.**
{*MD:ProjectDescription*} *{ProjectDescription}* The description of the project from the model.**
{*MD:ProjectClass*} *{ProjectClass}* The name of this project's class.**
{*MD:ProjectCreatedByID*} *{ProjectCreatedByID}* The ID of the user that created the project.**
{*MD:ProjectCreatedByName*} *{ProjectCreatedByName}* The name of the user that created the project.**
{*MD:ProjectStartDate*} *{ProjectStartDate}* The date when the project started.**
{*MD:ProjectEndDate*} *{ProjectEndDate}* The date when the project ended.**
{*MD:ProjectCreationDate*} *{ProjectCreationDate}* The date when this project was created.**
{*MD:ProjectTeamLeaderName*} *{ProjectTeamLeaderName}* The name of this project's Project Manager.**
{*MD:ProjectTeamLeaderEmail*} *{ProjectTeamLeaderEmail}* The email address of this project's Project Manager.**
{*MD:ProjectTeamLeaderVMAddress*} *{ProjectTeamLeaderVMAddress}* The chat address of this project's Project Manager.
{*MD:IdeaSubmitterName*} *{IdeaSubmitterName}* The name of the person who submitted the idea.
{*MD:ProjectAccessGroup*} *{ProjectAccessGroup}* The name of this project's access group.**
{*MD:ProjectCurrentPhase*} *{ProjectCurrentPhase}* The system ID number of the current stage/gate pair in the project. The project current phase is set to 0 if the project ends in a gate, and the gate's decision is set to Go.**
{*MD:ProjectCurrentStageName*} *{ProjectCurrentStageName}* The name of the current project stage.**
{*MD:ProjectCurrentStageDescription*} *{ProjectCurrentStageDescription}* The description of the current project stage.
{*MD:ProjectNextStageName*} *{ProjectNextStageName}* The name of the next project stage.
{*MD:ProjectNextStageDescription*} *{ProjectNextStageDescription}* The description of the next project stage.
{*MD:ProjectNextGateName*} *{ProjectNextGateName}* The name of the next gate in the project.**
{*MD:ProjectNextGateDescription*} *{ProjectNextGateDescription}* The description of the next gate in the project.
{*MD:ProjectNextGateDate*} *{ProjectNextGateDate}* When the next gate meeting of this project will occur.**
{*MD:ProjectNextGateLocation*} *{ProjectNextGateLocation}* The location of the next gate meeting.
{*MD:ProjectNextGateOwnerName*} *{ProjectNextGateOwnerName}* The name of the gate owner of the project's next gate.**
{*MD:ProjectNextGateOwnerID*} *{ProjectNextGateOwnerID}* The system ID of the gate owner of the project's next gate.
{*MD:ProjectNextGateOwnerEmail*} *{ProjectNextGateOwnerEmail}* The email address of the gate owner of the project's next gate.
{*MD:ProjectNextGateOwnerVMAddress*} *{ProjectNextGateOwnerVMAddress}* The chat address of the gate owner of the project's next gate.
{*MD:ProjectPreviousGateName*} *{ProjectPreviousGateName}* The name of the gate before the current stage.
{*MD:ProjectPreviousGateDescription*} *{ProjectPreviousGateDescription}* The description of the gate before the current stage.
{*MD:ProjectPreviousGateDate*} *{ProjectPreviousGateDate}* The date of the gate meeting before the current stage.**
{*MD:ProjectPreviousGateLocation*} *{ProjectPreviousGateLocation}* The location of the previous gate meeting.
{*MD:ProjectPreviousGateNotes*} *{ProjectPreviousGateNotes}* Notes taken at the previous gate meeting.
{*MD:ProjectPreviousGateConditions*} *{ProjectPreviousGateConditions}* The description of conditions, if any, entered in the last approved gate.
{*MD:ProjectFollowingGateName*} *{ProjectFollowingGateName}* The name of the gate following the next gate.
{*MD:ProjectFollowingGateDescription*} *{ProjectFollowingGateDescription}* The description of the gate following the next gate.
{*MD:ProjectFollowingGateDate*} *{ProjectFollowingGateDate}* The date of the gate meeting after the next gate.
{*MD:ProjectFollowingGateLocation*} *{ProjectFollowingGateLocation}* The location of the gate meeting after the next gate.
{*MD:ProjectGateDate-<gate number>*} *{ProjectGateDate-<gate number>*} The date of the gate meeting of a specific gate. For use in an MS Excel-based template using the SGM_Metadata worksheet.**
{*MD:ProjectMostRecentStatus*} {*ProjectMostRecentStatus*} The text of the project's most recent status report.**
{*MD:ProjectMostRecentStatusAuthor*} {*ProjectMostRecentStatusAuthor*} The name of the person who created the project's most recent status report.**
{*MD:ProjectMostRecentStatusDate*} {*ProjectMostRecentStatusDate*} When the project's most recent status report was created.**
{*MD:ModelName*} *{ModelName}* The name of the model this project is using.* **
{*MD:ProcessType*} *{ProcessType}* The type of model this project is using, for example, Gated.*
{*MD:ProjectCurrencyCode*} *{ProjectCurrencyCode}* The currency code of the project currency.*
{*MD:ProjectCurrencyName*} *{ProjectCurrencyName}* The name of the project currency.*
{*MD:ProjectConversionFactor*} *{ProjectConversionFactor}* The multiplier used to convert the project currency to the corporate currency.*
{*MD:ProjectClosed*} *{ProjectClosed}* The project's closure status.**

* Available to idea forms.

** Invalid metadata code in calculated metrics. Use the equivalent formula function in calculations instead.

Deliverable Data Codes

Deliverable codes display information about the deliverable or about the parent deliverable if they are in an activity document. Use deliverable codes only in deliverables and activity documents.

File-Based Code Online Form Code Description
{*MD:DeliverableName*} *{DeliverableName}* The deliverable's name.*
{*MD:DeliverableID*} *{DeliverableID}* The deliverable's system ID number.
{*MD:DeliverableDescription*} *{DeliverableDescription}* The deliverable's description.*
{*MD:DeliverableOwnerName*} *{DeliverableOwnerName}* The name of the deliverable's owner.
{*MD:DeliverableOwnerEmail*} *{DeliverableOwnerEmail}* The email address of the deliverable's owner.
{*MD:DeliverableOwnerVMAddress*} *{DeliverableOwnerVMAddress}* The chat address of the deliverable's owner.
{*MD:DeliverableStageName*} *{DeliverableStageName}* The name of the deliverable's stage.*
{*MD:IsStageLocked*} *{IsStageLocked}* Returns a 1 if the deliverable's stage is locked, 0 if unlocked.
{*MD:DeliverableStart*} *{DeliverableStart*} The deliverable's start date.
{*MD:DeliverableDeadline*} *{DeliverableDeadline}* The date entered in Accolade by which this deliverable should be completed.
{*MD:DeliverablePlannedFinishDate*} *{DeliverablePlannedFinishDate}* The date entered in MS Project on which this deliverable should be completed.
{*MD:DeliverableStatusID*} *{DeliverableStatusID}* The current status, such as In Process, of this deliverable.
{*MD:DeliverableFunctionalArea*} *{DeliverableFunctionalArea}* The deliverable's functional area.
{*MD:DeliverableFunctionalAreaSysName*} *{DeliverableFunctionalAreaSysName}* The system name of the deliverable's function.
{*MD:DeliverableNextGateName*} *{DeliverableNextGateName}* The name of the next gate, relative to the stage that contains the deliverable.
{*MD:DeliverableFollowingGateName*} *{DeliverableFollowingGateName}* The name of the gate following the next gate, relative to the stage that contains the deliverable.
{*MD:DeliverableFunctionalArea*} *{DeliverableFunctionalArea}* (Obsolete) This code is included only for backwards compatibility and will be removed in a future release.

* Available to idea forms.

Activity Data Codes

Activity codes display information about the activity they are in. Use activity codes only in activity documents.

File-Based Code Online Form Code Description
{*MD:ActivityName*} *{ActivityName}* The activity's name.
{*MD:ActivityID*} *{ActivityID}* The activity's system ID number.
{*MD:ActivityDescription*} *{ActivityDescription}* The activity's description.
{*MD:ActivityOwnerName*} *{ActivityOwnerName}* The name of this activity's owner.
{*MD:ActivityOwnerEmail*} *{ActivityOwnerEmail}* The email address of the activity's owner.
{*MD:ActivityOwnerVMAddress*} *{ActivityOwnerVMAddress}* The chat address of the activity's owner.
{*MD:ActivityStageName*} *{ActivityStageName}* The name of the activity's stage.
{*MD:IsStageLocked*} *{IsStageLocked}* Returns a 1 if the activity's stage is locked, 0 if unlocked.
{*MD:ActivityStart*} *{ActivityStartID}* The activity's start date.
{*MD:ActivityDeadline*} *{ActivityDeadline}* The date, entered in Accolade, for when this activity should be completed.
{*MD:ActivityPlannedFinishDate*} *{ActivityPlannedFinishDate}* The date entered in MS Project on which this activity should be completed.
{*MD:ActivityStatusID*} *{ActivityStatus}* The current status, such as In Process, of this activity.
{*MD:ActivityFunctionalArea*} *{ActivityFunctionalArea}* The activity's functional area.
{*MD:ActivityFunctionalAreaSysName*} *{ActivityFunctionalAreaSysName}* The system name of the activity's functional area.

Gate Data Codes

Gate codes display information about the gate that their document is stored in. Use gate codes only in gate documents.

Code Description
{*MD:GateName*} The name of the gate that document is stored in.
{*MD:GateDescription*} The gate's description.
{*MD:GateDocumentName*} The gate document's name.
{*MD:GateDocumentID*} This gate document's system ID number.
{*MD:GateDocumentDescription*} This gate document's description.
{*MD:GateOwnerName*} The name of the gate owner of this gate.
{*MD:GateOwnerID*} The user ID of this gate's owner.
{*MD:GateOwnerEmail*} The email address of this gate's owner.
{*MD:GateOwnerVMAddress*} The chat address of this gate's owner.

Extended Project Data Codes

Extended project data codes display and update information that is entered in up to ten fields to enter extended strings that are added to a project at the process model level. These fields can be used in any Accolade document; however, ensure that the document format accepts the amount of data added to the field. See Capturing Large Data Strings in Accolade.

Code Description
{*MD:ExtendedProjectData<field number>*} The data entered in the specified Extended Project Data field in the project. For example, {*MD:ExtendedProjectData1*}, {*MD:ExtendedProjectData2*}, etc.

Idea Form Codes

The following Idea form codes are substitution tokens specific to idea online forms and display information about the idea model. Note that other options are available to idea forms, as indicated by 1 in the previous tables.

Idea Online Form Code


Accolade provides the option to change the names for certain terms used throughout the system. For example, stages, gates, and deliverables can be renamed to fit your company's nomenclature. Use the CONFIG codes below to display custom names that your company uses instead of Accolade terms. The Administrator or Process Designer must have already entered the preferred name on the Parameters tab of the Configuration page for these fields to work correctly. This source also includes two codes for currencies.

Code Description
{*CONFIG:CompanyName*} The name of your company.
{*CONFIG:Accolade*} The custom name for "Accolade."
{*CONFIG:CorporateCurrencyCode*} The code for your corporate currency. This field code is not used to display a custom name.
{*CONFIG:CorporateCurrencyName*} The name of your corporate currency. This field code is not used to display a custom name.
{*CONFIG:Stage*} The custom name for "stage."
{*CONFIG:Stages*} The custom name for "stages."
{*CONFIG:Gate*} The custom name for "gate."
{*CONFIG:Gates*} The custom name for "gates."
{*CONFIG:GateDocument*} The custom name for "gate document."
{*CONFIG:GateDocuments*} The custom name for "gate documents."
{*CONFIG:GateOwner*} The custom name for "gate owner."
{*CONFIG:Deliverable*} The custom name for "deliverable."
{*CONFIG:Deliverables*} The custom name for "deliverables."
{*CONFIG:Activity*} The custom name for "activity."
{*CONFIG:Activities*} The custom name for "activities."


Use to display Accolade project images. When a template is opened in a project, selected images from that project display in the document. Your implementation of Accolade may include other, custom image codes in addition to the standard codes listed here.

Unlike other codes, IMAGE codes are not pasted into the document text but into the Web tab of the Format Picture dialog box where the image is inserted. See Adding Images to Documents Using Accolade Field Codes.

Code Description
{*IMAGE:ProjectThumbnail*} The image selected as the Project Thumbnail.
{*IMAGE:ProjectMain*} The image selected as the Project Main.
{*IMAGE:ProjectProcessGraphic*} The model graphic shown on Home and other project pages. Includes text and stage and gate icons.



Use the REFTABLE code to display the value from a single reference table cell. It has an extended pattern that is required to specify the table, row, and column of the cell.

{*REFTABLE:<TableSystemName> #RowID=<row ID> #ColumnID=<ColumnSystemName>*}

The value for the Row ID is the value in the first column of the row. In a currency table, it would be the currency code. The value of the Column ID is the column's system name. The only spaces in this pattern occur just before each # character. The order of the #RowID and #ColumnID options in the pattern does not matter. Like the other codes, the REFTABLE code is not case sensitive.


Use the CHART field code to display a chart created in Accolade. The CHART field code is only valid in presentations. The source is always "Chart", and the name identifies which chart to display by the chart system name.



Use the QUICK GRID field code to display a quick grid created in Accolade. The QUICK GRID field code is only valid in presentations and has an extended pattern required to specify the grid contained in the quick grid. Only one grid can be specified per quick grid field code.

{*QUICKGRID:<QuickGridSystemName> #Grid=<GridSystemName>*}


Use the QUICK GRID ELEMENT field code to display a specific cell from a quick grid created in Accolade. The QUICK GRID ELEMENT field code is only valid in presentations and has an extended pattern required to specify the specific cell and grid contained in the quick grid. Only one cell and grid can be specified per quick grid element field code.

Note:  Matrix quick grids are not supported with the Quick Grid Element field code.

{*QUICKGRIDELEMENT:<QuickGridSystemName> #Grid=<GridSystemName> #Element=<ElementSystemName>*}


Use the REPORT field code to display an online report created in Accolade. The field code does not support HTML reports or reports created in the Accolade Office Extensions add-in. The REPORT field code is only valid in presentations. The source is always "Report", and the name identifies which report to display by the report system name.



The POD code pulls project information contained on custom project pages. The code requires an extended pattern to identify the layout containing the pod, and then specify which pod to include. The POD code is only valid in presentations.

{*POD:<LayoutSystemName> #PodSystemName=<PodSystemName>*}

Note:  This field code goes in the shape's alt text.


See Metric Field Codes with Options for information about adding metric codes and long string metrics to documents.


Use the FLAG field code to denote a special action to be performed.

Note:  This field code goes in the shape's alt text.


Use the PortfolioSummary field code to indicate that a shape is to be used to summarize a portfolio presentation. Cannot be used with the "repeat" FLAG field code. To see how to create a portfolio presentation, refer to Creating Portfolio Presentation Templates.

Note:  This field code goes in the shape's alt text.

Portfolio Summary Field Code Breakdown:

Field Code Piece Optional/Required Possible Values Example Additional Notes


Always Required

  • BulletedList
  • SmartArt

{*PortfolioSummary:BulletedList #Fields=MD|ProjectName*}

BulletedList does not support project images


Required for PortoflioSummary:SmartArt

{*PortfolioSummary:SmartArt #SmartArtLayoutType=VerticalPictureAccentList*}

The smart art will replace the shape the field code was in. If a user tries to specify a SmartArt Type that is unsupported, the refresh will use VerticalPictureAccentList instead

#Fields=[List of fields to display]




  • ProjectId
  • ProjectName
  • Description
  • TeamLeader
  • CurrentStage
  • NextGate
  • LastGate

{*PortfolioSummary:BulletedList #Fields=MD|ProjectName,METRIC|[MetricSystemName]*}

Multiple metadata fields and metric fields can be added by appending them to the ones before with a ",".

Any metric is allowed to be in the Fields section.

Note: The | between "MD" and "ProjectName".





{*PortfolioSummary:SmartArt #SmartArtLayouttype=VerticalPictureAccentList #ImageType*}

Project picture (thumbnail / main as defined in domain table)


Can only be used in PowerPoint. See Adding Accolade Objects to PowerPoint for information about adding matrix metric codes to PowerPoints.


Can only be used in PowerPoint. See Adding Accolade Objects to PowerPoint for information about adding rich text matrix metric codes to PowerPoints.


Can only be used in PowerPoint. See Adding Accolade Objects to PowerPoint for information about rich text metric codes to PowerPoints.