Team Collaboration Overview
Accolade contains several methods to communicate with other users directly from the application. Depending on where you are in the application, you can communicate with individual or multiple team members, gate keepers, deliverable owners, the project manager, or a combination of people on a project.
Accolade offers the following communication options:
- Emails - As you are completing project details and reviewing projects within Accolade, send emails directly from the application to members of the project. Direct emails can be helpful if you are reviewing a document's details and have questions for the document owner.
- Chats - Start a chat directly from Accolade to collaborate and discuss aspects of a project or document with Microsoft Teams and Slack.
- Calls - Start a call directly from Accolade to quickly communicate with team members with Microsoft Teams.
- Schedule meetings - Schedule meetings with team members about project related topics with Microsoft Teams.
- Connect to MS Teams - Connect an Accolade project to a Microsoft Teams channel, allowing team members to go to, post in, or email members of the connected Microsoft Teams channel directly from Accolade.
- Discussions - Use discussions for extended conversations on a variety of topics. Each discussion is a collection of messages. Users with access to the project can enter a discussion and add a message to the thread, allowing other users to respond. The thread of messages also serves as a record of the opinions and information shared during the discussion.
Users can create and contribute to discussions about a specific project on the project's Discussions page, or can participate in discussions about any project that you are a member of through the Innovation Feed page available from the Workspace menu. Discussions may also be available on custom project pages.
In addition, a project may contain one or more deliverables or activities that require more than one team member's expertise to complete. Project Managers can make these types of documents collaborative, and multiple team members can participate in completing the document.
See the following to get started:
- Sending Email Directly from Accolade
- Starting Chats
- Starting Calls
- Scheduling Meetings
- Participating in Project Discussions
- Assigning Yourself to Collaborative Documents