Adding Project Thumbnail Images

Members of the project team can select a published image attached to the project to identify the project in Accolade. This image becomes the project's thumbnail image and displays in the upper left corner of the project to help easily identify the project, and is also included in other places with in Accolade such as the My Work page and reports that contain the Project Thumbnail column.

If an image added when a project is created, it is automatically set as the project thumbnail image. If more than one image is added at project creation, the last added image is set as the thumbnail.

To add a project thumbnail to a project:

  1. Display the project and click the Related Docs Related Docs Page Icon page.
  2. In the Images section, click the image itself (not the image file name) to use as the project thumbnail.

An image added to the project by linking to a file or web page cannot be used as the project thumbnail or main image. Only uploaded files can be tagged as project thumbnail in the Image Editor.

To add a new image, see Attaching Supporting Information to Projects, Deliverables, and Activities

  1. In the Image Editor, click Edit.
  2. (Optional) Crop or re-size the image to make it the proper dimensions.

The dimensions of the standard project thumbnail are defined in the Project Thumbnail Image Height and Project Thumbnail Image Width system parameters. Other shapes may display distorted or may not display. To automatically size to thumbnail dimensions, click Size to Thumbnail in the Tools section.

  1. In the Special Options section, select the Tag this image as check box and select Project Thumbnail from the list.
  2. Click Save to save your changes.
  3. Refresh the project page to display the image.


  • To display as an image within Accolade, an image file must be one of the following file types: .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, jfif, or .png.

  • Image quality may be improved if you upload an image that is already thumbnail size, avoiding the need to re-size it in Accolade.
  • The Project Main image tag is intended for an image that can be inserted into a document to represent your project. Typically, the project main image will be a larger size than the project thumbnail.