Creating Projects

Process Managers with Add Project rights can create projects in Accolade.

Projects are created in the following ways:

  • Automatically when users submit ideas (requires Idea Submission).
  • Automatically when planning elements are created (requires Accolade Innovation Planning).
  • By import using a set of reference table pairs. Use this method to create multiple projects at once.
  • By migrating projects between models.
  • Manually using the following process.

Enable the Enable Auto Search on Project Creation option in your user profile to enable an automatic search for projects and documents with the same or similar names or descriptions when creating new projects. Use this feature to help discover if like-projects exist, in order to prevent duplicating efforts when creating projects.

To manually create a new project in Accolade:

  1. Click New Project in the Accolade title bar.
  1. Complete the following information to identify and describe the project:

    Required fields display with red text and an asterisk * if the field is empty.
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the project.

Provide a name that clearly indicates the project's purpose. Depending on your system's configuration, Process Managers and the assigned Project Manager can change the name later through the Project Home Project Home Page Icon page.

Note:  The process model configuration determines if you can enter a project name when creating a project. The configuration may be defined to generate the name based on a metric value.

Project ID

Enter an ID that displays on the project header and in reports.

This is also referred to as the project code. The ID is intended for reporting and to help identify and locate a project, and can include any characters or symbols, including spaces and characters from non-English alphabets.

Note:  The process model configuration, or a system parameter, determines if you can enter a project ID when creating a project. The configuration may be defined to generate the ID based on a metric value or sequentially as projects are created.


(Optional) Enter a description of the purpose or nature of project.

This description helps other users identify the project throughout Accolade.

  1. Complete the security options to define the project's security access.
Field Description

Access Group

Select the group that determines which users have access to this project.

Your management rights allow you to create projects in access groups that you have Add Project rights to, indicated with an asterisk (*) next to the name, and that are also set in the process model. If the process model contains access groups restrictions, unavailable options are disabled in the list, even if you have Add Project rights to the group.

Depending on the model configuration, it is possible that after the project is created, the project is assigned to a different access group based on a metric value.

Security Lists

If security lists are in use, select the check boxes in every list to specify which users have access to this project based on security list settings.

  1. (Optional) Click Upload Icon and select one or more files to attach as related documents to the project.

If you attach one or more image files, the last image file loaded is used as the project thumbnail image. The thumbnail image can be changed through the project's Related Docs after the project is created.

  1. Click Create to create the project.

The project displays with the initial page as defined in the model.


  • The Auto-Generate Project IDs system parameter enables and disables whether the system automatically generates project IDs. Administrators set system parameters in the Accolade Administration Console.
  • If resource demands will be added to the project using demand curves, enter dates for all the gates in the project. Demand curves do not display values for stages that are not defined by gates with dates. You can enter Initial gate dates for planning purposes only and update them within the project, as necessary.
  • Idea Submission and Ideation are optional Accolade components that you may not have access to. To implement these solutions, contact Sopheon Customer Support.

  • Innovation Planning and Roadmapping are optional Accolade components that you may not have access to. To implement these solutions, contact Sopheon Customer Support.

  • The ability to add a new project using the Add New button on a project page requires Add Project rights for the default access group (if one is assigned) or for the parent project's access group (if there is no default access group specified).