Creating Resource Demand Curves
Create demand curves to serve as templates of the estimated demand for resources in a resource pool during the stages of the model a project follows. Resource Pool Administrators can create demand curves that apply to active, gated models for pools in which they are assigned as the pool owner, or for pools that do not have an assigned owner. Resource Demand Planners can edit demand curve values and last stage durations for demand curves for resource pools that they own.

For example, create a demand curve for the Engineering pool for a model that requires heavy engineering time at the beginning and middle of the project. The project may require two engineers in the first few stages, because more engineering resources are required in the planning, prototype, and development stages of the project. However, the project may require only half a full time engineer's time in the marketing and launch stages of the project.
Create a demand curve whose values are all zeros to confirm that a resource has been considered but that it is not needed, as opposed to a situation where a resource is overlooked.
To create a demand curve:
- From the Resource menu, select Demand Curves.
- Do one of the following:
- To add a new demand curve - From the Pool and Model fields, select the resource pool and process model to which the demand curve applies, and then click Add New at the bottom of the Demand Curves list.
- To edit an existing demand curve - Select the demand curve to edit from the Demand Curves list. Use the Pool and Model fields to filter the list, as necessary.
The numbers after each item in the Pool and Model fields display how many demand curves exist for each.
- In the Name field, enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the demand curve.
Demand curve names are not required to be unique; however, for a
- In the Values field, enter the demand, with a precision up to two decimal places, per time period in the resource pool's unit of measure. For example, 1 full time employee (FTE).
- Select the Active check box when the curve is ready to use for resource planning.
- Click Create to create a new demand curve or Apply to save your changes to an existing demand curve.