Auto-Calculating Capacity for Request-Only Pools

If you use requested-only pools and relate them to assigned-only pools, you can ensure that the capacity for a single resource in the requested pool reflects the capacity of all the members in the related assigned pool. Auto-calculating capacity for a general resource in requested pools helps Resource Capacity Planners keep capacities in synch without having to manually update the requested pool's capacity when a resource is added, deleted, or moved from a related allocation pool.

Auto-calculations apply only to resource pools set as requested-only that are linked to assigned-only pools. If a request-only pool does not contain a resource for auto-calculation, Resource Capacity Planners can manually assign capacities within Resource Editor. See About Resource Pools for more information.

Capacity for the selected resource in a requested-only pool is re-calculated when any of the following system events occur:

  • A resource is added or removed to a related assigned-only pool.
  • A user resource in a related assigned-only pool is added, deactivated, or removed from Accolade.
  • A related assigned-only pool is set to deactivated or activated.
  • The capacity of a resource in a related assigned-only pool is manually changed.
  • Related pools for a requested-only pool change.
  • Resources in a related assigned-only pool are moved to a different pool.

To auto-calculate the capacity for a request-only pool:

  1. Create a resource pool with a Demand Type set to Requested that is linked to at least one assigned-only pool.
  2. Add resources to the request-only pool.

Request-only pools are typically assigned only one general resource, such as Any Engineer.

  1. From the Resource menu, select Pools and click on the name of the pool you want to modify.
  2. In the Auto Calculate Capacities for Resource field, select the resource in the pool whose capacity you want to auto-calculate.

You can select only one resource for auto-calculation.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • When a requested-only pool is set for auto-calculation, capacities for that pool are read only, even for Resource Capacity Planners.
  • Capacities are auto-calculated as you add or remove resources from a pool using the Capacities Importer or remove related pools using the Pools Importer. A resource can also be set to be the auto-calculated resource in a pool using the Resources Importer.
  • By default, an assigned-only pool can only be linked to one requested-only pool. If the Allow Multiple Links For an Assigned Pool system parameter is enabled, an assigned-only pool can be linked to more than one requested-only pool. Capacity calculations roll up to each parent, accordingly. With multiple parents, capacity may be over counted across the parent pools.
  • Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support .