Creating Resource Pools

Resource Pools are groups of similar resource types. Administrators and Resource Pool Administrators can create and modify resource pools, including assigning each pool an owner (Resource Demand Planner) who assigns demand to its resources. Resource pool types are defined and identified by the demand type that is assigned to the pool. How you group your resources into pools and how you manage your resource pools depends on the processes defined in your organization.

To create a resource pool:

  1. From the Resource menu, select Pools.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • To add a new pool - Click Add Pool in the upper right corner of the page.
  • To edit an existing pool - Click on the name of the pool to open it for editing.
  1. Complete the following information to identify the pool:

    Field Description


    Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the resource pool.


    Select this check box if the pool is ready for use in resource planning. If you are building pools for future use, leave this check box clear.

    Demand Type

  3. Identify who can assign demand to the resources within a pool.

    Field Description


    Click to select the primary Resource Demand Planner who owns and manages the pool.

    If a resource pool does not have an owner, any Resource Demand Planner can modify demands for the pool.

    Additional Owners

    Click Select and select any additional pool owners who own and can manage the pool.

    A resource pool can have a primary owner (selected in the Owner field above) and any number of additional secondary owners. Assign additional owners to a resource pool if more than one Resource Demand Planner or Resource Capacity Planner has ownership of a pool. Assigning multiple owners to a resource pool allows planners to share their workload, as well as establish a backup owner during their absence. Additional owners have the same capabilities as the primary pool owner.

  5. Complete unit of measure and capacity options as appropriate for the pool.

    Field Description

    Unit of Measure

    Enter the units in which this resource is counted, such as FTE.

    Units of measure do not affect any calculations in Process Manager. However, if you are using Portfolio Optimizer to manage your project portfolio, there is an advantage to using the same unit of measure for all similar pools. Portfolio Optimizer will not show resource data unless all selected pools have the same unit of measure. See the Portfolio Optimizer online Help for more details.

    Related Pools

    If Requested is the only check box selected in the Demand Type field, click Edit to link this pool with one or more assigned-only resource pools. If links are already established, the pool names display in this field. See Linking Requested Resource Pools with Assigned Resource Pools for more information.

    Auto Calculate Capacities for Resource

    Ensure that you have added resources to the resource pool.

    If the pool is a requested-only pool (Demand Type set to Requested and not Assigned), select the resource (typically a general resource) within the pool that you want to ensure stays in synch with the capacity set for resources in the related assigned-only pool. If you have not related this pool to an assigned pool, this setting has no affect. See Auto-Calculating Capacity for Request-Only Pools for more information.

  7. In the Function field, select the default function used to assign a resource demand if an owner is not assigned to a deliverable or activity.

Note:  The function option is only available for Assigned pools. Selecting a function adds a system-generated resource to the pool.

  1. Click Create to create the new pool or Apply to save changes to an existing pool.


  • To delete a resource pool, click Grey Delete Icon next to the pool. You cannot delete a pool that has active demands associated with it (even if the value of the demand is 0). A demand is active unless the previous gate decision was hold or kill, or the project is closed.
  • Changing the function assigned in a pool does not modify any existing demands that used the default resource prior to making the change.
  • Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support .