Downloading Security Lists

Accolade provides Administrators the ability to download security list settings for transport from one Accolade environment to another Accolade environment. For example, your company may have separate test and production environments or company branches hosted in separate Accolade instances. Instead of having to recreate security lists in each environment, download the information for transport into a different environment.

The download exports the security list configuration into a spreadsheet file with the lists divided into the following worksheet tabs within the file:

  • SGM_RefTableSheet (the first security list)
  • Security List 2
  • Security List 3
  • Security List 4
  • Security List 5

To download security list settings:

  1. From the System menu, select System > Security Lists.
  2. Click Download in the top right corner of the page.

Accolade downloads all security lists into a spreadsheet file which contains workbook tabs for each security list, and saves it to a temporary internet files directory. Save the file to a more accessible location.

Note:  If the security list is inactive, it will still download existing list configuration. If there is no list defined, the workbook tab will only include 1 row of default information.

To import security list settings into a new environment, the lists must be set up using reference tables. See Building Security Lists Using Reference Tables for more information.

If you are using the downloaded spreadsheet file to upload the new lists, the lists must be separated into individual workbooks, and a reference table must be set up for each list. If a security list is inactive and only contains the default information, it does not need to be set up in the new environment.

Security List Settings Included in the Spreadsheet File

The columns in the downloaded spreadsheet include the system settings for each security list in the order listed below. These columns are included on all workbook tabs.

Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes


Alphanumeric characters, underscore**

Used for matching in the upload.

If a security list node exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.

If a new, unique ID exists in the file when uploaded, a new security list node is created.

Parent ID

Valid list name

Used for matching in the upload.

Must have a matching list entry in the Name field.

If invalid, the security list does not upload.


Alphanumeric characters

If blank, the security list does not upload.


Any number 1-10

If blank, the security list does not upload.

Level Name

Valid level name

If blank, the security list does not upload.


Yes, Y, True, 1, X*

All other values are treated as No on upload.

* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.

** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).