Building Security Lists Manually

Administrators can create security lists manually or using reference tables. How you choose to create security lists is up to you. The procedure below provides instructions to manually build security lists. See Building Security Lists Using Reference Tables if you prefer to use reference tables.

Each security list contains a Default level, which provides access to the entire list. The additional levels that you define within the list are its primary categories. For example, in a list based on geography, the levels might be Country, Region, and City.

As you add security lists to your system, consider the following:

  • User accounts have no security list options selected. Administrators must set security access for all users.
  • Existing projects have all security list options selected. Process Managers and Project Managers must clear check boxes to limit access appropriately.
  • Resource Pools have no check boxes selected. Resource Pool Administrators and Administrators must select security list options to grant Demand Planners, Capacity Planners, and other users the appropriate access.

Accolade supports the definition of up to five security lists, with a maximum of 10 levels in each list.

To build a security list manually:

  1. From the System menu, select System > Security Lists.
  2. Click edit Icon to activate the security list you want to define.

By default, all security lists are inactive.

  1. Enter the following information to identify the security list:
Field Description


Enter a name, up to 64 characters long, which identifies the security list.

System Name

(Read Only) Displays the system name of the list selected.


Select the check box when the security list is ready to use.

If list is inactive, the levels information will not be displayed in the security list tree.


Level 1: Enter the description name of the first level in the security list. This will be the highest level of access within the security list. Displays Default Access as a default.

Once the first level is created, Click Green Add Icon to add additional level description names to the security list.

Note:  All security lists must contain a minimum of one level, and have a maximum of 10 levels on one security list.

  1. Click Done to save changes to the security list details.
  2. To enter levels and categories:
  • Under the security list just created, click the Default Access to open the list editor. In the Name field, enter the name to define this parent node.
  • To enter additional levels or entries in the security list tree, click Green Add Icon to the right of the node. This will add a new entry to the level below it.
  • To add children levels, click on the Children field and enter the name of the child. Press Enter to continue add additional child levels to this node.

Note:  Children categories can only be deleted prior to clicking Apply. Once saved, they are considered "in use" and cannot be deleted.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • To move and item up or down in the list, click an item and drag it to the new location.
  • To remove a security list, click edit Icon next to the list and click Restore to Default. This will deactivate the list and clear all levels and nodes.
  • To remove an entire heading row or an item, click Delete Icon next to the heading row or item to delete. You must remove all child items before removing its parent, and entries that are already in use cannot be deleted.
  • If you create Resource Editor filters that match pools to projects, a user with access to many pools and projects could experience significant wait times while the filters try to calculate matching pools and projects. To reduce the wait time, ensure the security lists you define for resource pools and projects have as few redundant selections as possible. See Defining Resource Editor Filters. .

Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support .