User Attributes Overview

After creating a user account, administrators also assign each user a set of attributes that defines the following:

  • Active Status - Determines if the user account is active or deactivated.
  • Default Language - Determines the language in which text within Accolade displays.
  • Date Format - Determines the format, such as MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy in which dates display and are entered in Accolade.
  • User Roles - Determines the portions of the application the user can see and what types of tasks he or she can complete in Accolade. The user role, like their login name and email address, belongs to the user regardless of which projects or access groups the user is assigned.
  • Rights to Additional Accolade Features - Determines what permissions the user has when using Accolade Office Extensions for creating reports and spreadsheets, and for portfolio analysis using Accolade Portfolio Optimizer.
  • Access Groups and Security Settings - Determines which projects, documents, and process models the user can view and/or edit.
  • Project Management Rights - For the Process Manager and Idea Manager roles, determines the projects that the user has project management rights, such as the ability to delete a project, based on access group.
  • Email Notifications - Identifies which events generate and send an automated email notification to the user.
  • Links to Additional Sites and Content - Provides access to websites, FTP sites, email, or local intranet sites through additional menu options. Links defined here are user-specific. To define this type of link that is available for all users, or users assigned a specific role, see Adding Menu Items for Multiple Users (Global Links).

Individual users can modify and add some details within their user profile, such as email notifications and subscribing to reports.

Important! Prior to assigning attributes to user accounts, ensure that your company's access groups and security lists are defined.

See the following to get started: