Assigning General User Details

For each user account you create, assign general settings including whether the user account is active, receives confirmation messages for successful actions within Accolade, expires after a specific date, and the default display language and date format for the user.

Users can change settings for all general details except their user name, login, and active status within their own user profile.

To assign general user settings:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.

  2. In the Users list, click the name of the user to open the user details for editing .
  3. Ensure the General Details tab is selected and specify the following information for the user:
Field Description


Select the language in which the application text displays. The default language is English.

Date Format

Select the display and entry format for dates.

The default date format is MMM dd, yyyy (Feb 28, 2016).

Expiration Date

Enter the last date on which the user's account is active.

After this date, the user's account is automatically deactivated. Deactivated users are not removed from Accolade; however, they do not have access to any Accolade information.

For example, you may set an expiration date if you require users to submit access requests on a yearly or more frequent basis, or if a user only requires temporary access to Accolade information.

Use a spreadsheet file to import the expiration date for multiple users at once. See Importing and Updating Accolade User Accounts.

User Name

Update the user's name as you want it to display in Accolade.

(Optional) If the Enable User Profile Images system parameter is enabled, add a user profile image that displays with the user's name in various locations within Accolade, click Profile Picture Default Icon next to the user name, click Choose Image, navigate to and select the image to add, and click Upload File. To remove a profile image, click the image next to the user name and click Remove.

Note:  To display as an image within Accolade, an image file must be one of the following file types: .bmp, .dib, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, jfif, or .png.


Update the login the user uses to access Accolade.

Depending on how Accolade is installed, a user’s login name could be the same as the login in their Windows domain account, LDAP server, or local machine account. For Windows Authentication, logins are <domain>\<login name> where <domain> is the network domain and <login name> is the login assigned to the user.

Note:  You may consider keeping logins consistent, such as first initial and last name (jdoe) or first name.last name (jane.doe).

Email Address

(Optional) Enter the user's corporate email address.

Accolade uses this address for email notifications and for email links throughout the system.

Chat Address

(Optional) Enter the user's address for your company's selected chat tool.

Resource Pool

(Optional) Select the resource pool to which the user belongs.

Users are grouped into resource pools for resource planning purposes for assignments to projects.

Note:  This field is only available if your company uses the resource planning components within Accolade and at least one resource pool is defined.

Show confirmation messages

Select this check box to enable or disable the display of confirmation messages as the user successfully completes actions within the system.

Disabling this option does not disable the display of error messages.

Enable Auto Search on Project Creation

Select this check box to enable or disable an automatic search for projects with the same or similar names or descriptions when creating new projects.

When enabled, Quick Search finds and displays existing projects that match the new project name or description. Use this feature to help discover if like-projects exist so Process Managers do not duplicate efforts when creating projects.

  1. Select the Active check box to activate or deactivate the user.
  2. Click Save to save your changes.


  • User details, such as name, login, email, and chat, show for each user when editing multiple users.