Deactivating and Removing User Accounts

As employees change roles or leave your company, you can choose to remove their Accolade user all together, or disable their access by deactivating the user account.

  • Deactivating User Accounts - Deactivating a user account removes the access for that user, allowing Administrators to save the account information, but ensuring the user cannot access Accolade. Reactivation reinstates assignments and email notification settings as they were set prior to deactivation. Deactivate accounts for situations such as a leave of absence, or a time period when an employee does not require Accolade access. If you use Active Directory to maintain user information in Accolade, you can disable users in Active Directory to deactivate them in Accolade; however, you cannot reactivate an Accolade user account using Active Directory.
  • Removing User Accounts - Removing a user account removes the user from any default assignments within process models, and removes the user from any project teams. However, the user is not removed as the owner of deliverable or activities in either completed or currently in progress documents. Create reports identifying the deleted user's assignments to identify what needs reassignment.

Removing a user does not delete the user name from the system. For historical record and auditability purposes, projects and other areas of the system will still reference the original user name even when that user is removed. To mask the user name, change the user's name to a generic placeholder like Bob M######. Deleted users display in grey italics throughout the system.

Removing a user deletes the following user data:

  • User Image
  • User Email
  • Chat Address
  • User extended field values

Additionally, when a user is deleted, the system maintains the state of the user account at the time of deletion for historical and auditability purposes. For example, if a user is active at the time of deletion, the user account will still be marked as active in the database.

To deactivate a user account:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.

  2. In the Users list, select the user(s) to modify.
  3. In the General Details section, clear the Active check box to indicate the user is deactivated.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

To remove a user account:

  1. From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.

  2. In the Users list, select the user(s) to modify.
  3. Click Delete User(s) and click OK at the prompt.


  • Remove user accounts when employees are no longer with your company or if a user withdraws consent in accordance with GDRP regulations. If you remove a user, inform the Process Designers in your organization to update default assignments on process models, as necessary. Understand that deleting a user is a permanent action and cannot be restored. If a user might be reactivated in the future, consider deactivating the user account instead of deleting it.