Importing and Updating Accolade User Accounts
Accolade provides Administrators and Process Designers the ability to export user accounts to update information, and to move configuration between environments. For example, if you are first setting up your system or opening a new office and have multiple user accounts to create at once, or if you need to update accounts such as renewing a user's access on a periodic basis, you can use a spreadsheet file with worksheet tabs to create and update the user accounts within Accolade. Current user accounts can be downloaded from an Accolade environment, changes made to the data, and then uploaded either into the same environment, or moved into a new environment.
Create a group of template users that have the appropriate functions, roles, extended fields, and other details that apply to all users in a group. Associating a template with each user applies details automatically as part of the import process. Using filters allows you to assign details to a variety of sub-groups or combinations of groups.
A download of current user accounts exports the user account configuration into a spreadsheet file with the information in the following tab within the file:
- Import Users
- Security Lists
- Functions
- Roles
- Portfolio Optimizer Rights
- Pools Rights
- Extended Fields
- Access Groups
- Security Profiles
- User Links
- Email Notifications
- Email Days
- Assignment Notifications
To download user accounts:
- From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.
- Select the users that you want to download.
To narrow the list by function or user name, add the criteria to filter by in the appropriate filter text box. These filters are case insensitive. To download all users, clear all search filters.
- Click
in the users panel.
By default, the file exports automatically to a temporary internet files directory. Save it to a more accessible location.
To import user accounts into Accolade:
- Ensure the data within the spreadsheet meets the requirements for a successful import.
- Remove any user account information that you do not want to include in the upload from the spreadsheet and save the file.
- From the System menu, select Collaboration & Groups > User Admin.
- Click
in the users panel.
- Click Load File and select the spreadsheet file to load.
- Click Upload File.
Accolade uploads the changes to the user accounts in the spreadsheet and adds any new user accounts with unique user logins.
User Account Settings Included in the Spreadsheet File
The columns in the downloaded spreadsheet include the settings for each user account in the order listed below. For a description of each user account setting, see
Important! Using the import and export tools to update configuration can result in unintended changes if information is missing or creates an error during the import process. Sopheon recommends reviewing
Import Users
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes User Name
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
If blank, the user account does not upload.
User Login
Use the format (company)\(user login name) without the parentheses.
Used for matching for upload.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
If a new, unique system name exists in the file when uploaded, a new user account is created.
If blank, the user account does not upload.
Email Address
Valid email address
Can be blank.
Chat Address
Valid chat address
Can be blank.
Resource Pool
Valid resource pool display name
Can be blank.
Copy From User
User login of user account to copy from
Use the format (company)\(user login name) without the parentheses.
If the import creates a new user account, the copy from user account settings will be used for the new user setup, and all other tabs in the import worksheet will be ignored.
If the import is modifying a current user account, the information in this field is ignored.
Can be blank.
An active language
If blank, defaults to English.
Date Format
A valid date format enum
If blank, defaults to MMM dd, yyyy (Feb 28, 2020).
Expiration Date
Valid date
Use the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Can be blank.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Show Messages
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Enable Auto Search
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Reporting Rights
AllRightsIf blank, defaults to None.
My Project Page Updates
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Email Format
Plain TextIf blank, defaults to Plain Text.
Send Email Number of Days before Defined Date
Valid number
If blank, defaults to 7.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Security Lists
Security lists are optional when importing user accounts. The worksheet must be included in the spreadsheet file, but can be left blank if the users do not have security list assignments.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Security List Name
Valid security list system name
Can be blank.
Security List Value
Valid security list value system name
For each security list field above, include the value for that field to assign to each user. For multi-select extended fields, include a separate row for each value.
On import, if a security list value is not included in the sheet, the existing settings for that user are preserved for that field. If a value currently assigned to a user is not included in the sheet, the value is removed from the user.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Valid function system name
Include a separate row for each function.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Valid Accolade user role
Include a separate row for each role.
Portfolio Optimizer Rights
Portfolio Optimizer is an optional Accolade component that may not be used by your company. The worksheet must be included in the spreadsheet file, but can be left blank if you do not use Portfolio Optimizer.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
ScenarioSaveInclude a separate row for each right to be assigned.
Pools Rights
Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that may not be used by your company. The worksheet must be included in the spreadsheet file, but can be left blank if you do not use Resource Planning.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Pool Name
Valid resource pool display name
Include a separate row for each pool.
Can be blank.
Extended Fields
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Extended Field 1...10
Valid extended field name
Enter ExtendedField_ and the field ID of the field being updated.
This entry, in combination with the data type field in the next column, identify the field being updated. For example, use the following format: ExtendedField_1 or ExtendedField_24.
See Adding Custom Details Throughout Accolade for more information on extended fields ID.
Extended Field Data Type
Long String
StringEnter the data type of the field being updated.
This entry, in combination with the Extended Field value in the previous column, identify the field being updated.
Valid extended field value
For each extended field above, include the value for that field to assign to each user.
For multi-select extended fields, separate values using a pipe ( | ) character.
On import, if an extended field value is not included in the sheet, the existing settings for that user are preserved for that field. If a value currently assigned to a user is not included in the sheet, the value is removed from the user.
If an extended field that is defined as required is not included or does not include a value, the user is set to inactive.
Access Groups
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Access Group
Valid access group system name
Include a separate row for each access group.
If users are assigned a root level or parent access group, they will be automatically assigned to the child groups of that access group.
Important! Access group permissions are not always additive to what is already defined in the Accolade environment.
The Administrator doing the import can only make changes to access groups that they can manage. With matching access, the import will add or replace access groups according to what is specified in the file.Do not leave the column blank unless you intend to clear out the settings for the specified user.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Manage Team
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Manage Process
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Add Project
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Migrate Project
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Delete Project
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Delete Activity
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
View Configuration
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Edit Configuration
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
If Edit Configuration is selected as Yes, View Configuration will automatically default to Yes.
Member Of
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
MemberOf access does not propagate down to child groups.
Admin Of
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
AdminOf access does propagate down to child groups.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
Security Profiles
Security profiles are optional when importing user accounts. The worksheet must be included in the spreadsheet file, but can be left blank if the users do not have security profile assignments.
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Security Profile
Valid security profile system name
If system name is entered, then the value is TRUE for that system name.
User Links
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Alphanumeric characters, underscore**
If blank, the link does not upload.
callto:If blank, the link does not upload.
Valid link URL
If blank, the link does not upload.
Link Number
Any number 1-5
If blank, the link does not upload.
** Limited to characters between a - z, A - Z, and 0 - 9, and the underscore ( _ ).
Email Notifications
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Valid email notification option
See Email Notification Distribution Reference for options.
Can be blank.
On Selected Days
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
If YES is entered, select at least one of the day options on the Email Days worksheet.
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Notification System Name
Valid notification system name
If blank, the notification does not upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
Email Days
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.
Assignment Notifications
Column Name Accepted Values on Upload* Additional Notes User Login
Valid Accolade user login
Used for matching for upload. Must match a user login from the Import Users worksheet.
If a user account exists, its settings are changed with the values in the uploaded file.
Past Stages
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Current Stages
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
Future Stages
Yes, Y, True, 1, X*
All other values are treated as No on upload.
* For any column that accepts Yes, Y, True, 1, or X, you can also enter No, N, False, or 0 if it helps you when entering data in the spreadsheet. All values other than Yes, Y, True, 1, or X are treated as No when you upload the spreadsheet.