Configuring Pages

Several pages, including My Work, Upcoming Gates, Project Stages, Project History, and Resource Editor, provide configuration options to set the page to display only what you want or need to see.

Within Accolade pages, look for the following icons to configure the page contents. Customization settings are unique to each user who accesses the page. Your preferences are saved for only your user.

  • - Print documents, lists, and reports you have access to. This option is only available on some pages.
  • Filter Icon - Filter the display based on selected filter options specific to the page.
  • Show Columns Icon - Select the columns to show or hide. In some tables, you can also drag-and-drop columns into your preferred display order.
  • Show Rows Icon - Select the rows to show and hide.
  • Save Column Settings Icon - Save the current view configuration to display as your default view for the page.
  • Group By Icon - Select how to group items. This option applies only to the Resource Editor.