Adding Planning Views as Global Links

Planners who are also Process Designers can create a menu item (global link) to a saved, public Gantt or Grid view that displays on the Accolade menu bar for multiple users based on their user role. Include a link to a Gantt or Grid view under an Accolade menu, such as the Planning menu, or create a custom menu to include view links and other global links. A Gantt or Grid view must be a Public view to create a link to the view.

In addition, views added as global links are available to embed in a pod within a page layout, which then renders the view within the layout. Defining global links for this purpose can be helpful when building dashboard pages for projects, or to provide insight to a project manager about how their project relates in time to other projects. You must be a Process Designer or an Administrator to create a page layout.

To add a planning view to the Accolade menu bar:

  1. From the Planning menu, select Planning Board.
  1. Create a view or display a saved view.
  2. Click Gears Icon next to the view name to display the additional view settings dialog and click Create Global Link.
  3. Complete the following information about the link to the view:
Field Description


Enter the name that displays as the menu selection for the link to the view.

System Name

Enter the system name for the link to the view.


Enter the Accolade menu or other menu under which the global link displays.

For example, if you want the view available under the Planning menu, enter Planning in this field.

To add custom menu, enter the custom menu name.


The field displays with the link that displays the view.


This check box is n/a for planning view global links.


This check box is n/a for planning view global links.

Default Home

Select this check box to make this the designated home page for selected users.

For users with multiple roles, the first link with a role match in the list of defined global links determines the users' default home page.

A home page defined by the user profile settings will take precedence over the global link home page setting.


Select the user roles to which you want to make this link available. The selections in this list also determines who sees the link as their landing page within Innovation Planning.

Users not assigned the selected roles do not have access to the global link in the menu, and the content of the link within a pod in a layout does not display.

  1. Click OK to close the dialog.
  2. Click Refresh View to save your changes to the view settings.

  3. Refresh the Accolade page to display the new global link within its corresponding menu.

To modify or delete a global link to a planning view:

Note:  Users with the Process Designer role can modify or delete a global link to a planning view.

  1. From the System menu, select Page Design > Global Links to display a list of all global links.
  2. To modify a global link, click the name of the link you want to edit, make updates as necessary, and click Apply.
  3. To delete a global link, click Grey Delete Icon next to the global link.

Filtering Views to a Specific Project

Use planning views to provide project managers visibility into projects that are related, their timelines, and their dependencies. For example, providing visibility using a planning view can provide insight into the impacts on other projects if a project's schedule were to slip.

When the layout displays within a project, the view is filtered to the level of that project.

  • To filter planning views accessed from a menu - Create the global link to the view as described above. In the Link field within the global link description, append the project ID (?projectId=<id number>), to the end of the link.

For example: /Planning/PlanningBoard/Index/13?projectId=307 

When the global link is accessed from the assigned menu, the view is filtered to the level of the project matching the ID.

Filtering views does not apply to composite views.


  • Relationship links between projects can be created in a planning view global link in the same manner as they are created on planning views. See Creating Relationships Between Planning Elements for more information.
  • Innovation Planning and Roadmapping are optional Accolade components that you may not have access to. To implement these solutions, contact Sopheon Customer Support.