Editing and Saving Microsoft 365 Documents to Accolade
Accolade allows you to open documents such as templates and versions of a project deliverable, activity, gate document, and related documents* by downloading them to OneDrive and/or Microsoft Teams channels, where they can be edited and shared for collaboration with other individuals within your company. When completed, you can save these new versions directly to Accolade while working in the following Microsoft Office applications, without having to start Accolade and navigate to your project to upload a file:
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Documents can be edited and shared for collaboration with other individuals within your company. When completed, you can save these new versions directly to Accolade.
Notes: Related documents can only be downloaded to OneDrive and cannot be downloaded to the Microsoft Teams Channel file area.
To save a document back to Accolade:
Open the downloaded Accolade document to save.
Click the Save icon in the Accolade menu of the Microsoft Office application.
In the Save to Accolade dialog, confirm the information is correct and add comments as necessary.
In the Version Comments section, enter any necessary comments about the version and select Publish this version to make this version of the document available to all users using Accolade search. Leave the Publish this version unchecked to allow access only to project team members.
Documents saved to Accolade as deliverable or activity versions may publish automatically on save or upload depending on a system or model configuration.
(For deliverables and activities only) In the Status Notes section, enter any necessary notes about the deliverable or activity and select Mark as Completed to change the document's status to Completed when the document is saved.
Click Save to save the document version to Accolade. Documents will automatically save to the same server, project, and Accolade component they originated from.