Refreshing Accolade Data in Microsoft Documents

Deliverable owners, activity owners, and gate owners can refresh the Accolade fields to display current project data. Only the document owner can refresh a deliverable, activity, or gate document. Any team member can refresh the data in related project documents.

When you open a document that was downloaded from Accolade that contains field codes, the system prompts you to refresh the document with current project data.

When you open an Excel document that contains a resource plan for your project, you may or may not be offered the option to refresh the document, depending on how the document is configured. See Creating Excel Templates to Request Resources for more information.

To refresh the data in a document:

  1. Display the project.
  2. Open the document to modify.
  3. In the Refresh Project Data dialog box, select one or more of the following options to refresh the document with current data from Accolade:
  • To review the values in all fields - Select the Accolade Smart Office Fields check box. This option refreshes the values of any field, including metrics or project information, in the document. This option also refreshes the latest version of a reference table.
  • Update an Excel Resource Plan with the current resource data - If you opened a Smart Excel resource plan, select the Project Resource Plan check box to update the document with the current resource data available on the project's Resources page. Also select the time period to update.
  1. Click Refresh to open the document and refresh the data.

To open the document without refreshing data click Do Not Refresh.


  • If you downloaded and opened a template, the template displays the field codes themselves rather than the data values. After the template is saved back to Accolade as a document version, the document displays the previously saved values until you refresh the data.
  • If you type over Accolade fields or data pulled into those fields (when the codes are hidden), either the data is replaced from Accolade if the fields are refreshed again or you delete the field code. To change the displayed data, update the data in Accolade.
  • Resource Planning is an optional Accolade component that you may not have access to. To implement this solution, contact Sopheon Customer Support .