Adding and Publishing Document Versions

Documents in Accolade can contain one or more versions, either published so members outside the project team can view them, or unpublished so they are only accessible to members of the project team.

Important! Publishing older versions of a document that was included in a project migration or copy, or uploading a document that was downloaded from a source project into a new project, can update metrics in projects related to the source project, not the newly created migrated project. After a project is migrated, document owners should download the template or the latest version from the new project, refresh the data and update the project system ID references as necessary, and upload the document to the new project.

Upload versions of the following document types:

Who can add a document version is based both on the document type and whether you are an implicit or explicit owner of the document.

Use the Accolade Office Extensions add-in to save versions of deliverables, activities, gate documents, and related documents directly to Accolade from the application. See the online Help available in the Accolade Office Extensions add-in.

To add a deliverable or activity version from within Accolade:

Note:   You cannot add a new version of a deliverable while it is in a workflow, if the stage is locked, or if the deliverable is set to Completed.

  1. Display the project and select the Stages Stages Page Icon page.
  2. Click the document name to display its details.
  3. In the Contents tree, click Versions to display its version information.

What displays is dependent on the document type and your ownership responsibilities to the document.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

Clicking Apply saves the publish and comments information. However, if you exit without clicking Apply, the uploaded version is still saved with the deliverable or activity.


To upload a project-level related document version from within Accolade:

Note:  To upload new related documents to a project, deliverable, or activity, see Attaching Supporting Information to Projects, Deliverables, and Activities.

  1. Display the project and click the Related Docs Related Docs Page Icon page.
  2. Click the document name to display its details.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Clicking Apply saves the publish and comments information. However, if you exit without clicking Apply, the uploaded version is still saved as a related document.


To upload a gate document from a project-specific page within Accolade:

  1. Display the project and select the Gates Gates Page Icon page.
  2. Click the gate document name to display its details.
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Clicking Apply saves the publish and comments information. However, if you exit without clicking Apply, the uploaded version is still saved as a gate document.


  • To delete a document version, click the document name to display the document details. Select the check box in the Delete Icon column. Click Delete or Apply. The document must be set in the process model to allow deletions of versions.
  • If the Disable Link to File and Disable Link to Website system parameters are enabled, you cannot link to a file or website, respectively.
  • To unpublish a document version, click the document name to display the document details. Clear the Publish check box and click Apply.
  • If the deliverable is a Microsoft Project plan, the plan must be published using the Save to Accolade feature from within Microsoft Project in order to update dates and assignments.
  • Accolade uses a blocklist to prevent the upload of listed file extensions as a security measure. This blocklist, stored in the SQL table ACC_DomainExtensionsProhibitedForUpload, specifies .exe files by default. To have additional extensions added to this file, contact Sopheon Customer Support .