Configuring Class Terminology

Accolade provides the flexibility to configure text displayed in a project based on a process model. Administrators and Process Designers can make changes at the class level to project-related terms such as Project ID or Project Manager, which are applied to all process models in that class.

For example, your company may have a division where projects are called "Features" and the role of project leader is defined as a "Feature Owner". For process models that are used by this division, you can change the Accolade field Project Manager to display Feature Owner to match this role definition, to help users align company and Accolade roles and assignments.

Class terminology can be configured in all languages that are enabled in your implementation. When a user selects the language in which to view the application in their user profile, the application uses the configuration entered for that language.

Class configurable text includes project-related terms such as:

  • Field names
  • Page titles
  • Menu names
  • Confirmation messages

Important! Terminology and language changes will require you to restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers in order to display the changes. Be mindful when making these updates, as users will temporarily be unable to access Accolade during the reset process.

To configure the terminology for a specific class:

  1. From the System menu, select Process > Classes and create a class, or select the class to edit.

To narrow the class list, search by the class name, system name, or category.

  1. Click the Class Terminology tab.
  2. In the Language field drop-down list, select the language to which you want to make changes.
  3. (Optional) To narrow the list of translatable items, enter search criteria in the Filter By field and click Filter.

Only items with the criteria you enter display in the list. Leave the field empty to display all available translatable items. Note that some items may not be translatable.

To find a specific term or phrase and replace one instance or all instances, use the Find What and Replace With fields to complete a search and replace throughout the translatable items.

  1. In the Current Value column, enter the translated text, or the text to use instead of the text in the Default Value field.

Note that some items may display as read-only depending on your access group admin rights

To create multi-line text strings, press Enter to start the next line.

  1. To finish work on a string, click outside the Current Value field that you are editing.

Edited fields display highlighted to help you track the changes you have made.

Important! In text strings that include a token (for example, {0}) that inserts text into the string, you must include the token in the appropriate place in the translated version. The explanations in the Required Tokens and Explanation column indicate where to place the token.

Some tokens are enclosed in single quotes, ', or angle brackets, < >. These marks are part of the text, not part of the token. You can leave, remove, or change them, as appropriate.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

Configuring Terminology for Multiple Classes

The System > Configuration > Class Terminology page can also be used to view, edit, and export/import changes to terminology for multiple classes at once. See Importing and Exporting Class Terminology for more information on creating and using the import process.

To configure the terminology for a specific class:

  1. From the System menu, select Configuration > Class Terminology.
  2. Click the Class Terminology tab.
  3. In the Language field drop-down list, select the language to which you want to make changes.
  4. In the Class field drop-down list, select the class to which you want to make the changes.
  5. (Optional) To narrow the list of translatable items, enter search criteria in the Filter By field and click Filter.

Only items with the criteria you enter display in the list. Leave the field empty to display all available translatable items. Note that some items may not be translatable.

To find a specific term or phrase and replace one instance or all instances, use the Find What and Replace With fields to complete a search and replace throughout the translatable items.

  1. In the Current Value column, enter the translated text, or the text to use instead of the text in the Default Value field.

Note that some items may display as read-only depending on your access group admin rights

To create multi-line text strings, press Enter to start the next line.

  1. To finish work on a string, click outside the Current Value field that you are editing.

Edited fields display highlighted to help you track the changes you have made.

Important! In text strings that include a token (for example, {0}) that inserts text into the string, you must include the token in the appropriate place in the translated version. The explanations in the Required Tokens and Explanation column indicate where to place the token.

Some tokens are enclosed in single quotes, ', or angle brackets, < >. These marks are part of the text, not part of the token. You can leave, remove, or change them, as appropriate.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.


  • New language options must be first added to the system through the System > Configuration > Languages tab in order for the language to be available for configuration at the class level. See Translating Accolade Text into Another Language for more information.
  • If your company uses a load balanced configuration, you will need to restart the Accolade Cache Service and reset IIS on all application servers if you make any terminology or language changes.

  • The content of the online help references the English translation of the default value for all the items listed above, and is not customizable or translatable at this time. The changes made to the entity names page (System > Configuration > Entity Names), the system language page (System > Configuration > Languages) or the class terminology page (System > Configuration > Class Terminology) will not currently change the references in the help content.

  • Translatable options do not include text in Portfolio Optimizer or in the Portfolio Optimizer help.