Associating Charts and Reports to Process Models

Charts and reports can be displayed within a project, allowing users to easily access pertinent information to summarize a single project's status or to compare projects across a portfolio. Charts and reports can be associated with one or more gated, non-gated, or idea process models, and Administrators or Process Designers can create the association by adding a layout to the process model in order to display within projects based on that model.

Charts and reports can be displayed in a project by two different methods:

  • Reports displayed on the project's Reports layout - Excel or HTML reports can be directly associated with the process model's layout and accessed on the project's Report layout on the report list pod. This method of displaying a report allows users to click on the report's name to open it for viewing or downloaded, depending on the report's configuration.
  • Note:  HTML and Excel reports set as Active in Projects are available for association with a report list pod to display.

  • Charts and/or reports added to a project page layout - HTML reports, online reports, and charts created from online report data can be added to a page layout, and these page layouts can be associated with the process model and added to display as a custom page in the project's page list. This method of displaying a report allows users to view multiple data sources at one time, and to apply runtime filters in order to filter the project information displayed in the charts and/or reports.

To associate a report to a model:

  1. From the System menu, select Page Design > Layouts, create or edit a layout to contain the Report List.
  2. For the new or edited pod, use the Type drop-down menu to select Project Information and in the Content drop-down list select Report List.
  3. Click Advance Settings to configure the reports to display on the Report List pod.
  4. In the Category field, select the category to narrow the list of available reports to only the reports in that category. This field only displays if reports in multiple categories are available.
  5. For each selection, highlight the report name in the Available window, and click Select, or double-click the report name to move it from the Available list to the Selected list.

    Important! The reports that display for selection are based on your access group permissions as defined in your user profile. Only elements that the user has "Can Edit" access for are available for selection. Additionally, access group settings for the report must match the user permissions of other Accolade users in order to display for them. For an overview of how to use access groups to restrict configuration components, see Restricting Configuration via Access Groups Overview.

  6. Click Apply on the pod advance settings configuration and save the layout.

  7. From the System menu, select Process > All Models and create a gated, non-gated, or an idea model, or select the model to edit.
  8. Click the Pages tab and add the new layout to the list of pages on the model.
  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

Note:  Accolade Online reports are not available to associate to the model using this procedure. To add an Accolade online report as a project-level report, add a Report pod to a layout and associate the page layout to the process model.


  • Reports associated to process models in a project page layout only display project specific details. For example, if you create a report containing various project details for every project in the system and associate this report to a model, the report only displays the given project details when viewed on a project page.